/Country/ UsUk - Chapter 38

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Expect a lot of updates thanks to my brain coming up with ideas~

America and England has their differences. Of course physical appearance, but that didn't usually start up an argument. No, those were the differences on different tastes. For example, England loves tea, America loves soda. England loves knitting, America loves playing video games.

But for this couple, even the smallest difference could spark up an argument. But these weren't angry, yelling and shouting. Oh no, the were just for fun. Both of them knew very well they had their differences, and honestly respected that. But, it was fun to start such small and random arguments.

"Iggy, I want Mickey D's!!" America basically shouted and groaned at the same time, dropping his game controller. England rolled his eyes and continued reading his book. "Go get it yourself then" The American frowned. "If ya come with me, yeah I will" England looked up from his book.

"I'm not moving an inch if we are going to that godforsaken restaurant" "Oh but if was tea~" England closed his book. "If it was tea, then, yes, I would go" He smiled and walked to the kitchen. "I'm making dinner anyways" "BUT MICKEY D'S!! THINK ABOUT MICKEY D'S!" England giggled.

"Love the enthusiasm, dear, but please lower your voice" America groaned and walked towards England, poking his sides. "Don't wanna. Not until I get my Mickey D's" "Say those words again and I will throw this spoon at you" England warned him and continued to make the meal.

"But I wanna eeaaaaat!" "I'm sure you can last thirty minutes. Eat an apple or something" America frowned. "Apples suck" England laughed. "I don't believe they do, but if you say so" "I doooo" "You sound like a whale when you do that" America's eyes sparkled. "Do ya like it?"

"..Why do you ask?" "'Cause if ya do, I'll do it again~" England blushed. "Go to the living room!" "Naw, too boring" The American said as he came up behind his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist. He then laid his head on his shoulder. "You smell like cinnamon" England rolled his eyes.

"I did not even get near cinnamon today" America shrugged. "Still smell like it though" "Stop smelling me, you weirdo. You aren't a dog" "I could be" England playfully nudged his elbow against the American, to which he replied with a small groan. "Well isn't someone stronger than they look"

"Great discovery" America smirked. "Do I get a prize?" England nodded. "A world famous trip to the living room. Congratulations" America groaned. "Are you included in the prize?" "Hm....maybe later" The American's eyes lit up. "HELL YEAH!" He instantly ran into the living room.

England giggled. "Food will be ready soon" "What about dessert?" The Brit raised an eyebrow. "I never said anything about dessert" America scoffed and ran in the kitchen once more. "How about ice cream?" "No" "Cake?" "No" "Are you in the menu?" England blushed scarlet red. "NO!"

America sat on top of the counter. "Now?" "No" "How about now?" "I said no!" England finished making dinner and turned around, frowning. "Off the counter" "Not until you have dessert!" "ICE CREAM! Now get off the counter!" "Can I replace that with you?" "If you keep that up, you'll be sleeping outside"

America instantly became quiet, not wanting that to happen...again.

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