It is what it is

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2months pass

I woke up to a ringing phone, i looked at the clock & it was 2:40 p.m


"Cameron why aren't you up? Your appointment is at 3:30."


I hung up & jumped out of bed. I got in the shower.


I got out, dryed off & got dressed. A car horn honked outside. I grabbed my house keys, a banana & peanut butter & left.

"how's my grandbaby doing?"

"fine mama. Can we hurry up & get this thing over & done with?"

"sure....your father wants to see you"

"I don't wanna see him. How the hell are you going to disown your babygirl but then wanna see her? Nah, mama. I'm good."

"he's just in shock. He'll come around."

"yeah, that's the same thing Quin said to me about Trent but I still ain't seen nor heard from that nigga in two months & i'm carrying his child. So mother excuse me if I come off rude but I'm annoyed."

"it's fine baby. look, I got some money saved up buy whatever you need & then some. Your father will take care of EVERYTHING else. don't worry about money, ya parents got chu."

"ma, i'm not worried about money. I know y'all got me. I'm worried that when I have this baby, Trent is still going to be AWOL."

"i feel ya baby."

My Mom parked her Benz & we walked into the OB/GYN's office

We came out 1 hour later, the baby is fine & i'm due next July.


I haven't seen Cam in two months. I've been avoiding her, but it's only because I need to get my mind right so I can take care of her & the baby.


I sat on my bed fiddling with my phone, wondering if I should call Trent.

A knock at my front door interrupted, I got up & went to answer it.

Talia stood with Chipotle, movies & two vanilla milkshakes, I smiled & let her in.

"I have someone with me."


Dre & Trent came through the door. I smiled at Dre & hugged him tightly.

He looked at my stomach then smiled. He sat down with Talia, Trent came through the door next.

I looked back at Talia & Dre.

"It's fine, we'll wait for you guys to get back."

I walked upstairs & Trent followed. I closed the door to my bedroom. Trent sat down on the bed & I stood.

"look Trent, it is what it is. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. Me & this baby will be just fine. I'm not going to yell and ask you where you've been & why you've been avoiding me. I'm going to skip all that & give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Cameron, I am very sorry. I just needed to get my mind right. I'm here now & i'm not going anywhere."

"Tre, I want to believe you. I do, but how can I trust you won't walk out on me again? I had my first ultrasound today. Turns out i'm 4 months, when I found out I was already 2 months. Next month I find out the sex of the baby."

"And i'm going to be there for every doctor's appointment. I promise."

"Yeah, I bet."

Trent stood up. I rolled my eyes & went downstairs.

"Somehow I thought there was going to be alot more yelling & cursing."

I didn't say anything back to Talia. I wasn't in the mood to be around Trent.

"you guys can stay down here, i'm tired."

Everyone nodded, I walked upstairs to my room & laid down on my bed.

Someone knocked on my door. I rolled my eyes, Dre peeked his head in the room.

He came & laid next to me. I rested his hands on my stomach. I smiled, "You ready to be an uncle?"

"yea, I want you to have a boy so his handles can be like mine."

"ha, you ain't that good."

"mhmm, I'mma be the next Lebron James."

we both laughed. I rested my head on his shoulder, he hugged me.

"I know you scared Cam."

I nodded, "Dre please don't tell me that it's going to be okay cause it's not. I'm 20 & pregnant."

"Cameron, are you crazy? You got a nigga that adores you & is now ready to take care you & that baby. That rarely happens, our Dad barely stuck around so don't let young Dre grow up without a father."

"young Dre, huh?"

"yeah, now go downstairs & make it right with ole boy."

I nodded he kissed my head & I got up.

Trent was the only one in the living room, he was watching tv.

I sat on him & he sat up. I looked at him.

"Trent I forgive you."

He pulled me into a hug. I missed him, i'm glad Dre talked me into getting back with him.

He pulled away & kissed me.

"i love you Cam."

"i love you too,Trent."

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