Chapter 19

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Cameron's Pov
I laid on top of physician's bed & she put the cold gel on my already round tummy. I looked over at Trent who smiled.

We all watched the screen closely. Dr.Hasan smiled at me.

"Trent, you're going to be happy to have a little Princess to steal all your money."

Trent's smile widened, I look at him with tears in my eyes. I just can't believe I'm pregnant again.

Trent sat at the foot of the bed as I laid down watching tv.


"Yea baby."

"I'm ready for this, you, me & Tai."

"Trent I'm glad we're doing this the right way this time."

Trent kissed me. "I love you Cam."
"I love you baby."

"Cameron, you know we never really talked about the accident."

I looked at him & laughed lightly.
I plugged my phone up to the aux cord & started searching for a song. All of a sudden I felt my head hit the window.

I came to, the car was upside down & I was bleeding between my legs. All I could think of was the baby. I started to cry out for help.

"Please I'm pregnant! I need help"

A man came to my window.

"Okay, I'm going to try to get you out. Place your hands on the roof."

"Can you please check on my boyfriend, he hasn't made a sound. Please."

The man ran over to Shawn's side. He had cuts on his face. I'm sure my face was similar because of the stinging. His eyes were closed. I started to cry.

The guy came back to me & told me to put my hands on the roof again.

"What about Shawn?"

"You & your baby are my main priority."

"No, no, no. He's dead isn't he?"

I started to cry, I looked over at Shawn's lifeless body. I shook him

"Shawn wake up, come on please. Don't you dare do this Shawn! You have to wake up. Pleaseeee baby, please. Shawn, whyyy? No. No. Nooo."

. . . . . .
I had tears running down my face & Trent held me.

"That's the last thing I remember, then I woke up in the hospital where I found out my whole world had completely fallen apart because one lady ran a red light because she was late to a business meeting."

Trent kissed my forehead.

"Cameron, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. It's my fault that we lost Carter & you lost Shawn. I drove you away, if i never would have cheated none of that would have happened."

"Trent, hush. Baby look at me, have you been blaming yourself this whole time? My god Trent, it's not your fault. I love you."

"I love you too Cam."

. . . . .
Talia & I walked through the mall with handfuls of bags. I sat down for a little because my back & feet started to hurt.

"T I can't carry anymore, we have to put these in the car & then finish shopping."

As I gathered my bags I heard my name being called, I turned around to see Josh.

I stood up to hug him but my belly got in the way.

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