shocking truth

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A few weeks past

I stood infront in my mirror fixing my hair. I put it into a high ponytail & grabbed my phone. I looked over my shoulder & Trent laid on my bed fast asleep.

I walked up to him & shook him softly. he opened his eyes a little.

"Baby, me & Talia are going to the mall."

He nodded his head & turned over. I grabbed my purse.

I got in my car & drove to the mall. I meet Talia in the food court.

"Forever 21."

I smiled & we walked into my favorite store.

We looked at the sweaters.



"I'm pregnant."

she stopped looking through the racks & I walked away.

"what!? you're what?"

"i'm pregnant."

"how? why? when?"

"uh, Tre & I had sex."

"Cami I'm going to be a God mom!"

I laughed & she hugged me.

"I haven't told Trent yet & I don't know how he's going to react when he founds out. But I'm prepared to take care of it myself."

"You mean Trent can take care of you & that Baby."

"I guess but I don't need him to take care of me."

"But he is responsible for his seed."

"yes, that's true. Can we drop it, i'm not in the mood to shop anymore."

Talia nodded & we walked to our cars.

I got home & Trent wasn't there. I threw my keys & purse on the coffee table.

I walked into the bathroom & my pregnancy test sat on the counter. Trent had found it.

I grabbed my phone but before I could call him, someone knocked at the door. It was Trent.

"Is it mine?"

I squinted my eyes at him, "Nah, I just been fucking around & I don't know who the father is."

"Cameron, that mouth!"

"How you gon' ask me some shit like that, huh?"

I mugged his face, "You think i'm just some hoe, that sleeps with every nigga she sees?"

"Cameron don't put your damn hands on me again."

I pushed him & he stumbled into the wall.

"what the hell you gon' do?"

Trent licked his lips. I walked over to my purse & dumped it on the coffee table

I picked up my persricption of birth control

"do not try to turn this around on me! I never miss a day, but the fact that my birth control failed isn't on me! You could have pulled out condom or no condom!"

"I don't have time for this."

"yeah but you had time when we was rolling around in my damn bed!"

Trent turned to me & grabbed my face roughly.

"Cameron, you lucky my hand ain't around your damn throat. Now I don't wanna hear another muthafucking thing come from your lips."

I could see he wasn't playing no games, I nodded frantically & he released me

He walked out the door & slammed it. I closed my eyes, tears started streaming down my face. I held my stomach & sat down on the couch.

My phone started ringing. It was Shug.

"Cameron did he hit you?"

"N-no, I was the one throwing hits. Quincy he asked me was it his, like i'm some kind of a hoe."

"Babygirl, he didn't mean it. He's just worried, it's his first child. He'll come around, I promise & if he don't I'll beat his ass myself."

"Thank you, Shug. I'm tired, i'll talk to you later."

"Goodnight lil mama."

I hung up the phone, I put it on the charger & ran my bath water.

I began to think

I really am pregnant. Am I ready? I never thought I would be pregnant at 20. Have a child at 21. How the hell am I going to tell my Dad

I can finace myself no doubt but I want my child to have a father. I don't want my child to grow up the way I did. Coming home at all hours of them night, bribing me with money & gifts. It's not fun to live like that.

I got out of tub & dryed off I got dressed & stood infront of my mirror.

I rubbed my stomach not even showing yet. Here I am, alone & pregnant

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