Chapter 9- Romeo O Romeo

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Lexi's POV

I walked into Acting and took a seat by Ashton. A lot of people were dressed up for Romeo and Juliet but Ashton and I didn't bother.

Today we performed in front of the class. This would be me and Ashtons first time kissing. I'm regretting not practicing. It might be terrible.

"Are you nervous? Your shaking." Ashton said grabbing my shaking hand. It was a nice gesture. It got me thinking "The only thing worse then the kiss being terrible... Is the the kiss being good."

"I'm fine. Its just a bit breezy in here." I lie. It wasnt cold at all. I was nervous. I was trying to hide it.

"Michael and Amanda you're first."

Amanda and Michael walked up to the front and went through the skit. Their kiss was passionate and true.

A couple more people went. I was zoned out thinking of Ashton and ours turn.

"Lexi?" Amanda snapped her fingers in my face. I woke up out of my though and gave a questioning look.

"Its our turn." Ashton says taking my hand and dragging me to the front of the room.

"Begin whenever you like." Professor Connelly said.

We went through our begining lines. They came naturally after all the practicing.

"O, then, dearsaint,let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." Ashton said looking at me. He was really into this part.

"Saints do not move,though grant for prayers' sake." I said.

"Then move not,while my prayer’s effect I take."

He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in. The second our lips touched I melted inside. I was feeling everything but only feeling him. He stepped towards me and leaned into the kiss. I found my hand trailing up his back.

We ignored the fact that we were basically making out in the middle of class. Finally we both started pulling away. When we unlocked lips I was craving more. I was breathless.

"Thus from my lips, by thine,my sin is purged." Ash whispered starring into my eyes with so much passion.

The bell rang.

Pretty short chapter but it was making my heart race. What about you guys? Tell me what u think about Lexi abd Ash. What's a good ship name? Do you ship them?

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