Chapter 26- I'm not gay.

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Calums POV

I'm not gay. I can't be gay. Luke didn't kiss me. I didn't kiss him. He's just upset. I'm not gay. This isn't happening. I'm not gay.

"Will you please stop pacing?" Luke said as he sat on the end of the bed with his head resting in his hand.

"We're just drunk. That's all." I whisper to myself and stop pacing. I probably won't even remember this in the morning.

"Do you want to go back down to the party?" He asks standing up. He looked as confused as me.

"Nah not right now. Ill be down in a bit." I said and begin pacing again. He slightly nodded then left the room.

This can't be happening.

Lexi's POV

I danced with a strange guy. The last time I saw Ashton was when we kissed at midnight.

I didn't even know this guys name but he was attractive and smelt like heaven. I really wasn't sure where I was right now, to be honest.

"You sure smell pretty." I slurred. Stupid me stop being dumb.

"You sure look pretty." He slurred back. I giggled and blushed. No stop. What are you doing? You have a boyfriend.

"I better go." I said to the guy and begin walked away. He grabbed my arm gently and span me around.

"Can I get your name?" he asks in a husky drunk voice.

"Lexi." I sad and walked away. I probably should have got his name to be polite but oh well. I have a boyfriend to find.

I walk towards the stair and bump into someone. I smell a familiar scent.

"Oh Luke, hi, uhh have you seen Ashton?" I ask as I take my heals off because my feet hurt. Then remembering how much taller Luke is than me.

Instead of answering my question he pressed his lips against mine. It was a sloppy kiss. A drunk kiss. It was strange. Being the drunk me I let it happen.

He pulled away and walked away from me without even making eye contact. That was so weird. But my mind is too fuzzy to comprehend.

Wait what was I doing? Oh yea looking for Ashton.

Luke's POV

--The next morning--

I laid in bed wide awake. I didn't sleep at all last night and have been laying in bed thinking about everything.

Why did I kiss Lexi? Oh yea. I wanted to know if I was gay or staight. Dumbass.

What is Calum thinking right now? Probably scared of me. I have had feelings for Cal for awhile. I just never knew they were these kind of feelings. I don't know what I'm going to do.

My thoughts were interupted by Michael stumbling through the door and flopping down on his bed.

"I thought you were staying at Amandas." I said and Mikey rolls over to face me.

"We decided to call it a night." He said.

"She wasn't in the mood was she?" I ask jokingly.

"Yes!" He said and we laughed. The next thing I knew Michael was snoring like a chainsaw.

I tried to sleep again but couldn't so I decided to go for a walk. It was now 7 in the morning so everyone was sleeping. The sun was still mid rising. It was beautiful.

"Hey. Whatcha doing out here?" I turn and see Lexi in her pajamas with her arms crossed from the cold.

"I couldn't sleep. Look I'm sorry for tonight."

"Why what happened?" She asks worried.

"You don't remember?"

"No I don't remember anything. Did we fight?"

Oh she doesn't remember. Does this mean I lie and don't tell her about the kiss? I can't lie to her again. Honestly, I missed her. As a friend that is.

"We should talk." I said and sat on the bench with her. I gave her my jacket because I had a sweatshirt on under.

I explained everything to her. Everything. Even the kiss with Calum and my feelings. I told her that I kissed her and why I did it. I told her that the kiss didn't mean anything but to help me figure if I was gay. And by the value of the kiss I definitely didn't have the connection to girls anymore. At the end of all of it we were both in tears.

"So I turned you, eh?" She said lighting the mood even though we both still had tear we laughed.

"No, don't think that. I loved you. But my feelings for Cal have always been there." I admit. I can't believe I just poored my heart out to Lexi. It felt so comforable. I enjoyed it.

"Oh yea, why are you out here?" I ask.

"I was going to see Ashton. I couldn't find him all night so I guessed he would be in his room. I think he saw me dancing with some guy and left. That's all I remember from last night."

"Oh sorry. He won't mind, you were just dancing. But lets keep the kiss between us okay?"

"Of couse." She says and hugs me. I hug her back and we walk to the boys dorm and she gives me my jacket before walking to Ashtons room. I go into my room lay in bed.

The second my head hits the pillow I fall fast asleep.

Writers block is gone!!!!!!!!! Weeew!! I'm so happay.

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