Chapter 21- Forgiven..

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I woke up with a major head ache and an arm wrapped around me. There was a warm body pushed up against mine. I turned around and saw Ashton sound asleep. What a cutie.

I slipped away and thank god we were both wearing clothes. Nothing happened.

"Don't look so relieved." Ashton says and pulls me back onto the bed. I laughed and it made my head hurt more.

"I feel terrible. I'm never drinking again." I whine.

"We are in Vegas. Yes. You. Are." He says and gets up. He was shirtless. I blushed. After all times I saw him shirtless I still blush.

"What all happened last night?" I ask as he throws on a shirt.

"I don't really know. All I remember was getting drunk and dancing." Ash says.

"Oh I can't remember a damn thing." Suddenly there was giggling from the hall and I went and opened the door to check it out.

When I opened the door a blonde girl with glasses and a pretty slim body came out of Lukes room. Luke followed her out and he was wrapped in a sheet.

"Call me." Luke said and when the girl left he looked at me. All he did was smirk. There wasn't any word. Just a smirk. What an asshole.

He turned and went back in his room and I went back to Ash.

"Guess you were right about Luke." I said with no emotion. It didn't hurt to see him moving on but it hurt that he would want to rub it in my face.

"I always am." He said and laid on his bed seductively. I lifted and eyebrow. I began walking over when I got a text. Always great timing.

LiviBear: We need to talk. Come to my room ASAP.

"Liv want to talk." I state and Ash sits up in confusion.

"What about?"

"I don't know but I gotta go." I said and rush out of the room. I went to Livs and she was sitting on her bed. She looked up at me when I walked in.

"Come sit." She said very cheerfully. I sat next to her with a confused look.

"I decided not to be mad anymore. I miss you Lex! I miss talking to you. Can we just go back to being friends again?" She asks and completely suprises me.

"Of course!" I said hugged her. "I miss you too but why this sudden change of mind?"

"Well I realised you and Ash had a thing before me and him. And I just came along and got in the way. Its not like I loved him or anything." She laughs. "Plus there is this super attractive man in my shower right now."

"Oh my god!! He came back with you last night! Did you.. yano?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes and Ill tell you all about it later but for now you gotta get out before he comes back." She exclaimed and I laughed and hugged her before leaving.

I stood in the hall and just thought. Liv and Luke have both moved on. Even though Luke hasn't forgiven me yet he still moved on. So there is just one thing for me to do!

I ran to Ashtons room and swung the door open before slamming in behind me. I locked it and looked at Ash. He had a confused look.

"What's goi-" I cut him off by running up to him and slamming my lips into his. He caught on and kissed back. We walked as we kissed over the the bed. He laid down on top of me and the kisses continued.

You can predict what comes next. I'm not going to write it because Amanda reads it and I have to see her like every day so that would be awkward.

Sorry if there's any errors. I know there is. I hope you like my story so far. And if you were curious my date was great!!

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