Chapter 16- Comfortable..

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Lexi's POV

I walk into my room very ver confused. Why did Ashton blow me off? I mean there's a bunch of reasons. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore. Maybe he really really likes Olivia. Ugh so many questions. Oh yea and what am I gonna do about Luke.

"Lexi?" Amanda says waving her hand in front of my face. I must have zoned out in thought.

"Sorry." I mumble sitting on my bed.

"I need to talk to you." Amanda whined.


"Michael and I." She looked sad. This is exactly what I need. A distraction.

"Why, what's going on?" I ask.

"Well we are both in love. Obviously." She stated. It was true they were and everyone knew it. "But lately he's been talking about marriage and kids. Do you think he's trying to hint something?"

"No I dont think so. I mean we are still young and you should take it as a compliment. He wants a future with you." I advice.

"Oh yea I guess your right." Amanda says reassured. "So anything new with you?" She asks.

"Yea but I don't want to talk about it right now. Its been a long day. I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Its only 7"

"Yea i know."

"Well okay. I'm going to the movies with Michael. So see ya tomorrow."

I said bye anf she left. I put on Finding Nemo and ate some sour patch kids and fell asleep.


I woke up to giggling. I opened my eyes and Olivia and Amanda were on Amandas bed. I glanced at the alarm clock and it was time to get ready for school.

"Oh sorry we didn't mean to wake you." Amanda said.

"Nah its cool. I needed to get up anyways." I strech and get up and change into black leggings and a pink over sized sweater. I was too lazy to shower so I threw my hair in a messy bun.

"I hope you dont mind but Olivia crashed here last night. Michael and I bumped into her and Ash at the movies then we went out for drinks. We got hammered so I said she could stay here for the night."

"Oh its fine." I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. A bit harshly.

I walked to Painting and took my seat. I was a bit early. A couple minutes later the classroom was filled and the bell rang. Luke sat next to me and Ash was on the other side of him.

"Hey so how have you been?" Luke asked me in the middle of class.

"I'm good. How about you?"

"Good. So do you wanna go out tonight?" He asks facing me. I glance over and debate it in my head.

"Sure." I finally answer. He smiles.

"Meet me at that café on 7th?"

"Alright." I smile at him. It was genuine. I didn't feel for him the way I wanted but I couldnt just break his heart. I am the first girl he ever loved.


Bell rang for lunch.

I walk out of class with Olivia. I can't hate her for liking the same guy I like. He wasn't mine. He was obviously hers.

"Ill meet ya at lunch okay?" she asks. I slightly nod and go to my locker. After putting my books away I head to the commons.

I go to the spot we always sit. Ashton had his arm around Livi and Michael and Amanda were cuddling. There was a spot by Cal and Luke and I sat there.

We all ate and talked. I forced myself not to look at Ash and Livi.

Luke grabbed my hand and this time I let him. I felt bad acting likr everything was normal. It felt odd.

The bell rang for Acting.

"So class, after your lovely performances of Romeo and Juliet, I would like to tell you about our Spring Performance that we will perform infront of the whole student body." Professor Connelly announced. I was sitting next to Amanda and Michael was on the other end. Ash sat next to Michael.

"This play will be about the life of a teenager in the 1800s. The details and auditions are after the holidays."

The rest of the class period we did acting warm ups. I didn't make any contact with Ash but I did feel him glance over at me a couple times.

--The bell rang for schools out.

"I can't believe in a couple days school is out for the holiday. Then we get to go to Vegas!" Amanda cheered as she walk with me to the dorm.

"Me neither. Its going to be soooo fun!!" I cheer with her.

We got into the room and sat on our beds.

"So will you bring me to the café on 7th tonight? Luke and I are going out tonight."

"Yea sure when do you want to go?" She asked.

"I think he said around 7"

"Okay. So is Olivia going to Vegas with us now that she's with Ash?" She lowers her voice when she says 'she's with Ash'.

"Probably. I don't know. You should ask Cal." She nods.


"Took you long enough!!" I said to Amanda as she gets into the drivers seat. She rolled her eyes. Onthe way to the café we jammed out to One Direction.

"Call me when you get home. Just in case I have Michael over." She says and I agree. I shut the car door behind me and walk into the café.

I sit at a window seat and fiddle with my thumbs for about 10 minutes. I guess I was a bit early.

"This spot taken?" I hear an american accent.

"Yea my boyfr-" I say looking up and seeing Luke. He bursts out laughing and sits down. "That was an awful accent by the way." I giggle.

The rest of the night we just chat about random stuff. It seemed like the conversations never stopped. Same with the endless supply of hot chocolate.

We talked like me and Cal talked. It was so comfortable but there wasn't any other feelings besides friendship for me. He held my hand on the table as we talked. I hope things can be like this when ever we break up.

"Wow we totally lost track of time. We better go now if we wanna make it back before curfew." Luke says smiling at me. He pays for the bill and I followed him out to his car.

The right to campus was a comfortable silence that neither of us broke.

"I had fun tonight." Luke said as we stood at the front door of the girls dorm.

"Me too." I replied and we looked into each others eyes. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. To my suprise he didn't lean in to kiss me.

"Goodnight, love." He says and releases my hand from his.

"Goodnight." I say smiling at his.

I watch as he walks away then I go into my dorm.

"Is it safe?" I knock and say through the door. I didn't feel like calling her.

"Yes!" She yells back. I enter the room and she's cuddled on her bed with a bowl of popcorn and tears running down her cheeks.

I dont hesitate to run over to her and wrap my arms around her.

"Oh my god what happened? Did something happen with you and Michael?" I ask in a worried voice.

"No,"She mumbles. "I just watched The Note book."

I laugh at her which makes her laugh along.

"Wow I say and flick a piece of popcorn at her. The I get up and put on Gossip Girl. I cuddle back on Amandas bed under the covers and we pig out eating popcorn. Tonight was nice.

The last chapter was a whirl wind so I just wanted a calmish chapter. Whatcha think with happen next?

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