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#MetTheManOfMyDreams #PalmFace #NeverSeeHimAgain

@doglover I was that guy in the park. #ManOfYourDreams?

@computergeek Sorry about your shirt. #Embarrassed #Clumsy #JustWantedToGetYourClothesOff #Joking

@doglover There are easier ways. #CoffeeWasHot #AsWereYou

@computergeek Make up for it? #Blushing #AgainSuperSorry

@doglover Friday @ 9 a.m. @park #LetMeBringTheCoffee

@computergeek See you there! #LeavingBusterAtHome

@computergeek #HappyAnniversary #WhereWeMet #LoveBeingYourWife

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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