I threw my books in my locker and sped walk off.
I was trying to advoid the ranger$ and everybody else. I wasn't in the mood for people.
Just as I thought the coast was clear Langston appeared by my side and I sighed.
"What happened to you?" He looked down at my sweatpants and t-shirt.
"Nothing I was really tired this morning."
"I brought you a doughnut." He held up a dunkin donuts bag.
I smiled. "Thanks! But I need to get to first period." I hugged him, grabbed the bag and entered my classroom.
"Good morning class!" Mrs. Holmes was smiling like she's just left a date with A celebrity or something.
I wanted to punch her happy ass in the face.
"You will get into groups of two or three, I will asign you a part from Romeo and Juliet. You and your patner or partners will have to act out the scene BUT here's the deal. You have to give the scene a twist, made it modern!" She walked over to her desk. "Now pick groups and once you figured out who you're working with, come to me I'll assign a scene then began to work on it."
Asia and I starred at each other, got up and walked to Mrs. Holmes.
"You two working together?" She asked and we nodded. She write on name on a piece of paper and handed us a sheet. "You two have the best scene! The balcony scene!"
We walked back to our chairs.
"Okay so whats up?" Asia asked.
"I was thinking we could do a ghetto, hood version." I answered.
"I'm not talking about the damn book, where were you at breakfast this morning?"
"I was late." Which was true but it was purposely.
"Are you trying to advoid them?" She whispered.
"No." I lied. "I saw Langston this morning and besides I'm just not in the mood. You wouldn't believe what happened when I got off the phone with you saturday night!"
"You kissed Day Day?" She joked.
I cut my eyes at her. "Thats not funny! But no my best friend tripped on me!" I filled her in on what happened.
Asia face frowned up. "She better gone, Julian probably don't give a damn about her ass. But don't let that stress you out, okay?"
"I guess but how I'm suppose to be in class with both of them 3rd period?"
"Just act natural."
***3rd period gym***
"Bleacher day again huh?" Frank sat on the bleachers.
"Why you complaining? This is like free period basically." Ceejay pulled his skull cap down.
Julian and Langston took a seat and I looked at Asia.
"So how was ya'll weekends?" Day Day asked and Asia palmed her forehead.
"I'll take that as you had a bad weekend." He looked at her out the side of his eye.
"No it was alright."
"I had a good ass weekend with Tasha my nigga I can't tell ya'll what we did though!"
"Ouuuuuu." Everybody said at the same time.
"Tf, we went to the zoo chill." I rolled my eyes.
"Mhm hm, what zoo? Were ya'll the WILD animals?" Ceejay growled.
"No nigga."
"Julian! Nigga! What'd you do?" Day Day asked.
Julian said nothing.
"Well why don't we greet the elephant in the room, Akwardo...Hello akwardo." He waved and I glared at her.
"Chilled pretty much." He answered.
"Well, I got some ass." Day Day stood on the bleachers.
We all looked at him.
"What? Ya'll don't believe me?"
We all stayed starring at him then bust out laughing.
"This nigga Day Day think he got some booty!" Frank laughed so loud.
Day sat down. "Ya'll some haters. Mad cause ain't none of ya'll got none."
We kept laughing.
The bell rang and we all got up to leave but Julian grabbed my arm.
"Did you tell Langston what happened?" He asked.
"Are you going to?" He was whispering.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"I think we should."
"Yeah me too." Just then Langston walked up to us.
"What ya'll talking about?" He asked.
"Nothing." Julian said too quickly.
Langston raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Leggo." He put his arm around my shoulder, I looked back and noticed Julian's facial expression.
Great, now I felt 20x worst.