$ummer gang
I shook my head laughing.
"Get yo lemon lime head ass down." Asia pulled on his pants leg.
"Don't got no sense." Beebee shook her head.
I rolled my eyes why was this bitch even having lunch w. us?
"Why is she here?" I pointed and scquished my face.
"Cause I want to be...why are you?"
"Cause these are my friends.."
"Yeah...right." She laughed. "Anyways these money I won from the function is burning a hole in my pocket I'm paying for everyone well except you of course." She laughed in my direction.
I wanted to reach over the table and choke her right in the middle of macaroni grill.
"Thats okay I'll pay for myself." Langston akwardly looked at his menu.
"No I'll pay." I smiled.
"Tasja buy me one of these milkshakes." Day Day pointed to a double chocolate malt shake.
"I'on like you boy, but I got you."
"I'm broke asf man I can't afford nun on this menu." Julian looked at it like it was written in spanish.
"I say I'll pay. Get whatever." Beebee offered.
"Hell nah that waa suppose to be our money, we shouldn't have lost at the function today."
"Its that nigga Spank fault. He forgot to do the flip so Frank couldn't do his part. " Day Day shook his head.
"Right that shit made me mad, like you had one part and you fucked it up." Lang stacked the ketchup.
"He made one mistake chill." Ceejay defended him.
"Right none of us got no sleep last night and this the first function we lost its cool atlease our home girls won." Frank dapped Indigo and BeeBee
"Thats right and I'm bout to ball w. this 500 dollar prize." Indigo giggled.
"Puuuhleez! i make that everytime my show airs! Your wack ass little function money." I said then immediately regretted.
"So is that how you feel about us?" Langston side looked at me.
"No I.."
"You what? You think you better than us?" Julian shook his head.
"Ya'll know I didn't mean it like that."
"Bullshit, find your own ride home..you can afford a car, a cab, a taxi come on ya'll." Ceejay stood up.
I stood up
"Don't even." Langston stopped me.
"Cat got the princess tongue huh?" Beebee laughed..
I shook my head as I watched them really leave me.
*** Lang Pov**
I stormed in the apartment and slammed the door.
"Boy slamming doors!" My mom walked out. "Oh Hi Franklin!" She greeted Frank.
"Hi Mrs. Higgins and right he out of his tooty fruit ass mind slamming your doors." He took a seat
"Boy'!" My mom patted him and laughed softly. "Whats wrong with you Lang?"
"My girl think she better than me, we lost the function and I got like 3 hours of sleep AND IM FUCKING HUNGRY." I vented.