Chapter 1

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I suppose as every story should start, there should be some part of an introduction. For me, you have a few things you need to know. 1) My name is Ullquid. No matter what you think, that is my real name you asses out there who think it's not. 2) I am a dragon. If you think I'm kidding, then just come over the the XX Insane Asylum, where, apparently, I belong.

I need to get one thing straight. As I think I've said before, I am perfectly sane. The guard over there writing this is giving me weird looks as I'm saying this to him. Even you, who probably at the moment is reading this book and thinking, 'Oh, what a lovely novel' which we all know would not be true, i will break out of this straight jacket, grab a, wait for it, HARD COPY:0, of this book, and smash this on your head and repeatedly, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, some little piece of your already microscopic brain comes falling out of your dirt, waxy, smelly ear and possibly make you that much smarter.

For all you asses out there who thinks that I will never get out of this hell hole, I have another story ready for you. Guess what, bitches! I've already escaped out of this place seventeen times. If you think this price of crap place is going to hold me, you've got another thing coming.

I guess now that all the introductions are out of the way,I suppose that I should get on with the story.

I believe the warden would like me to start it off as something of this nature. 'Why hello there', I would say, my hands folded neatly in my lap. 'Today, dear children, I am here to talk about how I went out, from my OWN FREE WILL and had the sudden urges to go out and commit triple homicides. I chose the railway in the woods to string my victims upon because . . .'. Once again, I state that that would be the freakin warden speaking, or at least, wanting me to speak.

Continuing with the story.

As you can tell, I am perfectly innocent and haven't killed 17 people. It was more like 20 - 23. I probably shouldn't have said that line when warden just came in. Ooh how I love the screw-ups in life.

Anyways, I do believe I'm getting sidetracked. That story is one for another day. For now, I explain how and why I killed (we'll just say 22) 22 people for no apparent reason I will say this once and only once. They are demons! Everywhere!


Hope you liked my newest story. Sorry if this chapter is kinda short. I was kinda stayng up past 1 trying to write this thing on my phone^^ Pls leave comments!

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