Chapter 9

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Aah, the sweet memory of my second breakout.  How shall I describe the feeling of miraculously escaping from the Palace of the Damned?  I will tell you, it was utterly bliss full.  The first thing I went to do was go to Panda Express. (that's right, in a strati jacket.  Just keep reading!)  Anyways, I guess I should tell you how I escaped.  Actually, it was the warden's angel who gave me the idea.  

October said that I had seemed a bit . . . out of it.  That I should get out and see more of the world.  I swear, those purple eyes can see THROUGH people.  Right  bitches, so naturally, I listened to my good friends advice.  How did I eventually get OUT of the straight jacket though.  I get that questions a lot too.  

In case you're wondering who I'm talking to, I have my little moments here and there, though I do also read this out loud to the other inmates, expressing the wonderful feeling of being free.  Hee hee.  I know you all wish to be free, but you CAN'T!  Only I was smart enough to escape.  Did I mention that I had many enemies in the Palace of the Damned? 

How I got out . . . right.  You can say that if you ever see me with a chainsaw, you can guess how I got our of the strait jacket.  

Well, if I ever DID get a chainsaw, I suggest you all run for your lives off a neary by ( and very convenient ) cliff.  Just saying.  Would you rather get hacked to bits by me or fall painlessly to your death off a cliff.  Completely your choice.  

Moving on!!!

So, how DID I break out a second time.  Basically, you can say that after collecting 20 silver spoons and ( a lot!!) of paperclips, I have conjured up the perfect escape plan.  Since my window is so little, ( trust me.  The damn thing is only, like, the size of a 3 by 5 card is . . . not that big -_- ) no one really bothered to check it.  That means, no one would even notice if the small pane of glass just happened to fall out and shatter on the ground around 1 a.m.

None if it had anything to do with me, I swear!

( Once again, TOTAL lies )

So using a paper clip and spoons, I managed to . . . . and then I said 'Nuh uh!' . . . and then he grabbed the fork . . . while climbing up a cliff . . . with a pool of sharks underneath it . . . as he screamed and plunged the knife in . . . his mother's neck was presented as he . . . . while swimming in his underpants . . . eating a corn dog . . . while parachuting of a roller coaster . . . 

And that's how I escaped.


Hey guys!  Thanks for reading up to this point in the totally pointless story!  (Not really.  I actually have put a lot of time in this, so I expect comments and votes!! ) Thanks! (Hopefully you read the note above.  I'm warning you . . . )

- Nerr

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