Chapter 13

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That's the feeling you could say is running through my veins at this moment.  I don't even think that eating pickles and mustard could cheer me up.  So as I sit here, listening to probably the weirdest mixture of The Used and Breaking Benjamin, I probably should recount the things that have happened.

As all of you (should) know, I will be breaking out of the POD for the 65 time next week.  It's just gotten so boring in here.  Sure, i took a break from writing this shit we call comedy, but stll, it just doesn't work like that.  

I guess you could say that I'm depressed because I finally killed the 1,000th person last weekend, before getting thrown back in here, and that I really want a muffin right now.  But you know what, no one gets what they want.  I wanted to bring him back to life.  What do I get?  A lable marked INSANE and locked away forever in a spongey padded room.  

But then again, as the most wicked thought crosses my mind, I start to hum happily, picking my nails with a knife that i just happened to be sneaking in at the time I was caught.  My trusty knife.  That could never betray me.  It's killed all 1000 people,  I just have to kill 111 more, then I can finally be free.  

So.  I guess you can say that depression is over.  And as the ignorant guard comes in with another plate of mustard, pickles, gruel, and orange juice . . . let's just say that he won't be leaving alive.  With my knife poised, a simple slash to the neck should do it.  If he still has enough strength to move, or even call out, a stab to the brain should do it.  Or should I take my time with him?  Maybe I should gouge out each eye.  Maybe I should rip out his tounge.  He won't be needing that anyways.   

How should I finish this ignorant man?  My only source of food.  I might not get another meal after this.  What should I do . . . 

Of course, as I think of this, I'm assuming he saw the evil thoughts flickering beneath my gentile visage of a young girl, and ran like all of hells fury be beneathed upon him.  (yes, not even I know what that means)

And, simply because I am bored and don't feel like taking my time anymore, I bid you good bye.  Untill I see you again, at least TRY to stay alive.  I only say this out of best interests for you.  

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