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Louis Pov

        So simon called us in about a magazine or something, it must be pretty important considering were on vacation but theres not much i or any of the boys can do. Were just waiting for simon to come in. i looked at the clock then at the boys, Zayn was on his phone, Liam was staring, Harry was smirking at picture of some band on the wall, and niall, niall was off in a magical land where birds were flying nandos and the green grass were green apple pop rocks. I looked at the clock again 1:43 and 13 seconds exactly one minute later from the last time i checked.

          I heard the door handle jolt and saw all the boys look up. the door opened it was simon followed by three amusing girls.

"boys these are Kayla, Bea, and uh-"

"casey." bea said a little too quickly because casey elbowed Kayla and she smacked bea. the boys all chuckled, but a few seconds later bea smacked her back and they got into a fist fight resulting in Kayla choking her for a second or two then she released and they both cracked up laughing. At this point niall couldn't contain his laughter more than usual liam looked scared and harry and zayn just looked confused but i'd say they had a sense of humor.

Simon grunted and the girls shut up. "Now can we get back to business."

Bea's Pov

              We nodded i looked over at Kayla who looked at me, i could tell she was still laughing internally because of the strange look on her face it looked like she was on a roller coaster and lying on her death bed at the same time it was weird. Juding by the fact that she started to point at me I was making a similar one.

                 Casey smacked us then i looked around and remembered why were here. We are on the cover of J14 magazine and unknown to us untill about ten minutes ago we were also in an artical invlving some boyband other that fallout boy or blood on the dance floor. Thats right i like dark music get over it, anyways, apparently news people think that when we same we don't hate them that automatically means one of us going out with one of them. Now simon over here thinks this would be a great publisity stunt and we weren't going to say yes but we lost a bet.

Never making that mistake again. Seriously, how was i suposed to know pandas and red pandas weren't from the same family its in the name. 

                 "You know you can sit down right." I looked upand saw a guy with dark hair and eyes staring at me. Casey was sitting across from some curly dude who looked like a pretty boy or france from hetalia or something, Kayla was sitting on the floor as usual.

                      "Yeah I Know, I just don't want to." next thing I know Kayla was clapping as loud as she could and Casey Just stared at me with her mouth open."what?"

                       "Never thought i'd see the day When Bea Acosta refused to sit."Kayla said as if this was some kind of miracle. which i guess it is since im the laziest potatoe to live but you know.

                        "Can we get on with this? yes? good. So i brought you girls here today to discuss a publicity stunt, involing you and the boys."simon paused we all stared at him, even the guys, he continued, "you will be going to london and staying at the boys-"

                              "No I can't leave!" I screamed, i felt a hand go around my neck and i couldn't breath then it went dark.







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