Chapter Four

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Marcello's POV

I was so frustrated. Why did my Beta not understand a single thing that I told him to do?

"Jackson, get to the border now and do your duty to the pack." I snarled, holding my wolf back by an extremely thin thread.

He shook with fear and bowed.

"Yes, Alpha." He stuttered and ran out the door.

I looked at my Beta's parents and scowled.

"What have you taught him to be? He is not Beta material. If he's scared of me, then he will never be able to hold his own against Rogues." I snapped and the former Beta growled.

"Give him a break, Marcello. He just needs to warm up to the pack and you're not helping when you sit there and yell at him." The man said.

"It's been four years, John. It doesn't take that long. I am his Alpha and he needs to know his ranking. I will not have a weak link in the pack and I will kick him out if he doesn't start changing soon." I warned them and John's mate abrubtly stood up.

"Oh, Marcello, you can't. I beg you. He is trying so hard." She pleaded.

"I'm sorry Stella, but I have yet to see imporvements and I need to do what is best for the pack. A weak link will cause my pack to fall." I shook my head and tears leaked from her eyes.

John stood up and wrapped his arm around her as he glared at me. I growled.

"Learn your place, John." I growled again and then I turn, swiftly, and head up to my office.

Once I am seated in my office chair, I shifted through the stack of papers littering my desk. I picked up a letter from one of my neighboring packs and smiled when I saw that it was from the Elphame Pack.

I opened the letter and frowned when I read it through. It said:

Dear Marcello,

I believe that the Werewolves of America will need to come together. I hear that the Mermaids are rising in numbers and are planning to attack. We must show them that we have the power and will not let them rule us as they once did. I have sent a letter to all the other Alphas around the states and have told them to gather here. I am asking for you to join us and help destroy the Mermaids once and for all.


Your Friend Sage

I sat back in my chair and ran my hand across my face. The Mermaids. They've always caused a problem in the world with the Werewolves.

I straightened in my chair and brought out a blank piece of paper. I got out a black ball point pen and started writing back to Sage.

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