Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kia's POV

I hesitantly stepped out of the room and looked down the hallway.


I closed the door behind me and started making my way to the stairs, looking at the pictures of couples on the wall. They were probably previous Alphas and Lunas.

I did my best to be quiet, cautious and aware of even the slightest movement. I was now in a Werewolf Pack House where any wolf could attack me.

When I took the next step the floor creaked and I sucked in a breath when I heard the shuffle of the carpet.

Someone was behind me.

"Fish are stupid. Did you honestly think you could sneak in without one of us hearing you?" A voice snarled begin me and I whipped around to find a tall, menacing boy standing there with smoldering black eyes.

I felt my body tremble and legs shake but I tried as best I could to look strong.

"The Alpha brought me here, I mean no harm to you or this pack." I say hesitantly.

"Bullshit and you know it. Before I kill you, answer this question. Why are you here? To see if there are any breaches in here? Well, sorry to tell you but you won't find any." He sneered and a cough sputtered past my lips.

"Please, I'm begging you to believe me, the Alpha truly brought me here, I'm his mate." I whispered, feeling weak.

"Pathetic, look at you. You lie straight to my face and it's not even a logical one. The Alpha would never have a weak mate, that's mistake number one. Mistake number two, is that the Alpha would never bring a Mermaid in the pack house. He hates Mermaids and even sided with the wolves for this war. Whatever he told you is a loaf of crap, he's just trying to break you defenses so he can kill you easier." The guy growled and lunged.

I shrieked, jumping out of the way but I was too slow.

"I'm going to make your death slow and painful." He said, pinning me two the floor.

My body began to hack with coughs and blood sprayed all over his face.

"You bitch!" He howled and his hand shot to my face.

I tried to cough but since my airway was being blocked, I was basically drowning in my own blood. I started to see black spots dotting my vision but before I could pass out, the guy's weight was lifted off of me and I could breathe again.

I rolled over, coughing and choking, blood spilling on the floor. Trembled shook my body and it went limp on the floor. I couldn't move because of how weak I was.

"Don't you ever touch my mate, are we clear?" Marcello's voice rattled the house.

I tried to find him, but he was out of my view.

I heard several whimpers and a meek reply before a dull thump.

"Get out of here, Simon!" Marcello barked.

I wheezed and suddenly warmth consumed me when Marcello's hand touched my arm.

Had Marcello really sided with the Werewolves? He seemed so happy for me to accept him. But then again, that guy didn't think that we were mates, he had to be wrong.

I hope he was, otherwise I'm doomed. I put my trust in this Alpha and all I can do is hope that I made the right decision.

"Kia, are you alright?" His voice was full of concern and I wanted to melt at the silkiness of his tone.

A gave one more blood-filled cough before nodding. I instantly felt guilty.

"I promise I'll replace your carpet." I looked at the floor as I sat up, it was stained red.

"Don't worry about that, I've got that under control. You need to worry about getting better." He helped me to a standing position.

"Come on, let's get you to your room." He sighed and I gave a weak protest.

"No, I don't want to be holed up in a room if I'm dying. I want to feel free and be with you, I want to get to know you." I gave a sad smile.

He looked pained at my words.

"You're not going to die." He finally breathed.

"But I am and no one can stop that. Please, let me go out of this world with a content heart." I pleaded and he growled.

"You're not leaving me. I refuse to let you go." He snapped and I gave an empty laugh.

"If only death was tangible. My time will come sooner or later whether you like it or not. It doesn't even matter if I want to go or not." I shook my head.

I didn't want to die, I wanted to live a good life. But sadly to say, that was something fate didn't plan for me.

"Take me downstairs, introduce me to your pack. I want to leave with them seeing that Mermaids aren't bad." I tugged gently on his hand and he unwillingly obliged, a scowl set on his face.

If only I had more time.

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