Chapter Eight

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Kia's POV

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder and I groan tiredly. I opened my eyes and came face to face with a panicked looking Stark.

"We slept here all last night. We have to get back home." He says.

My eyes widened. Mom and Dad were gonna freak!

I started getting up, trying to dry my tail by flapping it in the air when everything came back to me.

Mom was gone. She left and she wasn't coming back. I flopped my tail back in the water and shook my head.

"It's all their fault and there's nothing we can do about it." I whimper.

Then a previous conversation with Stark popped in my head. We could declare war on the Werewolves and get our revenge for mom and every other Mermaid they've killed.

I snapped my head up and looked straight into Stark's eyes. All emotion washed out of me, leaving me cold and heartless.

"We're going to declare war on the Werewolves. Tonight." I say.

Father wouldn't like it but I was tired of my people dying.

"Is that a good idea?" Stark asks with doubt in his eyes.

I scowl.

"Of course, it was your idea in the first place. Plus, it's a good form of revenge and a way to take back what was ours." I pull myself out of the water.

"Maybe it's not so good now. I mean think about it, if we start a war then a lot more of our people are going to die." He tries to reason with me.

"They'll die for their people, not because of filthy, ruthless creatures." I sneer.

Just the thought of the Werewolves made me full of rage.

"I'm putting my foot down on this one and I'm going to end the Werewolves once and for all." I snap and Stark runs his hand through his hair.

"We don't have an army." He shakes is head.

"I've got that covered. I'm going to make a sign up sheet and pass it through each group. Once everyone that wants to fight has signed up, we'll start training. We need the best soldiers to fight these beasts." I tell him, determined.

"And where are you going to train them? If we're fighting on land then we'll have to learn how to fight with legs. If we're somehow going to drown the Werewolves then we'll have to learn to fight in our tails which is highly unlikely." He points out and then an idea pops in my head.

"The Sirens. We can asked for the Sirens' help. They could lure the Werewolves out to sea and drown them. Although we'd have to have the war on the beach and somehow get the Sirens to agree to help us." I say.

"That's bot a bad idea. We could practice on the beach with heavy guards." Stark tells me.

"This is great! We can finally get rid of the Werewolves." I smile.

"Alright, let's get back and start making the sign up sheet and find away to get equipment. We'll also need a way to contact the Sirens." He babbles as my tail starts to morph back into my legs.

"I'll start working on the letters to the groups and ind a way to contact the Sirens. You find a way to get equipment and make a sign up sheet." I plan out and he nods.

"I'm on it." He says and then I stand up, pulling him up with me.

We jog back to the house and finally, I have the feeling that I'm doing something right.

Author's Note: Hey guys, Thanks so much for reading! Please Vote and Comment!

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