Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys, I've written another story called, Crimson. I was wondering if you could check it out and see what you think. I know the good part hasn't come yet but it'll be out soon! Please vote and comment!

Marcello's POV

My mate lay unconscious in my arms and I felt my wolf growl. He was angry at whoever had done this to his other half. Hell, I wanted to get revenge too!

I pulled her closer to me, nuzzling my head into her neck and inhaling her scent to calm me down.

I needed to get her help. Maybe I could get some information about a cure from Sage, the one who sent me that letter.

I pulled away, laying her down on her bed. I pulled the comforter up to her chin and kissed her forehead.

"I'll find a cure, I promise." I whispered to her and left through her window.

I'd have to get her to tell her brother about her condition the next time I saw her. I wanted to make sure that she was being watched at all times. I couldn't have her die. It'd kill my wolf without a mate and I'd slowly die. My pack would fail without a Luna and everything would go all wrong. I was still having problems with my Beta, I didn't want to add my Luna to that list.

I shifted into my wolf, running back to the pack house. My wolf was eager to contact the Alpha that might have information on a cure for the poison in Kia.

I shifted back into my human form and ran into the pack house, up to my office.

I snagged a piece of paper from the drawer and began writing.

Dear Sage,

I was wondering how the poison worked given to the mermaids. I'm not exactly sure about the poison. Is there any cure or was it made just to wipe them out? Write back soon.


I folded the piece I paper in half and stuffed it in an envelope. I called down Jackson and he scurried into my room.

"Yes, Alpha?" He asked timidly and I held back what I wanted to say.

"Take this to the post office and mail it." I ordered him as I finished writing the address on the front of the envelope.

"Yes, Alpha." He answered me and took the letter with him when he left.

I needed to snap that pup back in place or he's banned from the pack. I can't have a weak Beta.

Kia's POV

"Don't! Please, stop!" I cried.

My mother was being injected agains and again, many times with the poison.

"Shut it, fish!" The Alpha snarled and I tried to get free of the metal chains that held me to a wall.

"Let her go!" I pleaded, ignoring his order to keep quiet.

"Be strong, Angel." My mother whispered, looking up at me weakly.

"Get me the knife." The Alpha ordered and a man rushed in, handing him the knife.

I screamed, fought, kicked. I knew what he was going to do.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I yelled, thrashing around in the chains that bound me.

"Hold her still, will you, and keep that mouth of hers shut." The Alpha demanded and hands were clamped over my mouth as I was pinned to the wall.

The hand on my mouth forced me to look over the guy's shoulder, directly at my mother.

Tears leaked from my eyes as I saw how strong she was trying to be.

I can't lose her again. Please, don't. I begged inside my head to whoever might be listening.

The Alpha looked at me with a sick gleam in his eye and then tilted my mother's head to the side.

"I love you, Angel." Were her last words and I shut my eyes as I heard the Alpha laugh, raisin his arm to strike.

"No!" I screamed and I sat up straight in my bed.

My bed room door swung open and my brother looked wildly around the room.

His eyes landed on me and worry sketched across his face as he saw the tears running down my face. His eyes went to the open window and then back to me.

I then remembered that Marcello had been here. Where had he gone? Why had he left? An ache inside my chest, swelled.

"Kia, did someone come into the room?" He asked slowly, anger evident in his tone.

"No, I had...a nightmare." I whispered shakily, starring at the comforter.

"One was a memory and the other was a nightmare." I said in pain.

"Mom died again but this time the Alpha cut her head off and had me watch as I was chained to a wall." I continued to stare at my bed and I finally raised my eyes to his.

"We'll get our revenge soon, Kia. Very soon." He growled.

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