Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kia's POV

I groaned, opening my eyes and felt a hand seize mine. I went still and slowly turned my head.

"D-dad," I stuttered.

"Hey, Kye." He gives me a sad smile.

Dark bags hung under his dull, lifeless, eyes and he had lost a lot of weight.

"Stark told me about the war that has been declared between our kind and the Werewolves. I am not happy about it but it's bound to happen some time. I promise to help you." He sighs.

I was still in shock from him being here.

"Dad, you don't-"

"I'm doing it. I know you think I can't handle it but I'm ready to get revenge. I want to kill every last one of them." He snarled venomously.

This is bad. This is very bad. Now not only do I have to get my brother to see that not all Werewolves are bad but I also have to get my father to see that too.


"Dad, please,"

"Kia, I'm doing it," He said firmly.

"Ok," I sighed.

How could things get any worse?

"By the way, the Werewolves replied and agreed with going to war with us." He added before standing.

I spoke too soon. Of course things could get worse, just my luck.

"That's great," I mumbled.

"And it's good that the Sirens are helping us," He brightened a bit before he left.

Crap, I still had to go see them and somehow persuade them into helping us win this war.

I frowned, remembering Marcello. He had been here but why had he left? Was it because my brother was coming last night? Or did he leave earlier?

I'd have to see Marcello as well today.

I got out of bed, feeling unnaturally good. I didn't feel an ounce of weakness nor did I feel any pain. I guess I'm good....for now.

I quickly dressed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt after a shower and then ran to the beach.

I jumped in, feeling a slight pain when I shifted but brushed it off.

I swam to where the Sirens were and took a deep breath before approaching them.

"Kia, what a lovely surprise. Have you come to join us in brushing our hair and making seashell necklaces?" Loraine asked, a wide smile stretched across her flawless face.

"I actually have something to ask of you..a favor." I said and they narrowed their eyes at me.

"What kind of favor?" Sirena asked.

"A favor dealing with Werewolves." I held my breath.

"Dogs? What do dogs have to do with anything?" Celeste looked at me in bewilderment.

I felt the sudden need to defend Marcello and his kind but quickly reminded myself of what his kind did to my mother and me.

"We're going to war with them and we need your help. We won't be able to fight them all so we were wondering I you could sing your song to drag some of them to their death." I held back a wince as I said it.

"What do we get in return?" Loraine looks at me expectantly.

"Lots of souls to feed on. Almost every Werewolf pack will be there, no doubt. You could definitely get a few Alphas." I said and they thought about this.

"But what if we want to be mortal? What if we want to find love so we don't have to live forever with killing people?" Celeste counters.

"Then I'll let you stay at my place and bring as many boys as you want over." That is if I'm still alive to hold that promise.

I'm probably going to end being dead either from the poison running inside me or from the war.

"Deal, when do you want is out there to help you?" Sirena asked.

"A week from today," I answered.

Hopefully that'd give me enough time to get my brother and father to see that not all Werewolves are bad.

Then I'll have to convince the rest of the mermaid population to not go to war with them.

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