Chapter Five

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Kia's POV

Stark and I walked into town and I was surprised at how vacant it was.

"Where is everyone?" I wondered aloud.

Stark shrugged, looking just as confused as me.

"You think this is the Werewolves' doing?" I questioned.

"Most likely. Humans like to shop and walk around. The town is always busy." He shook his head, bewildered.

I walked up to the closest store window and peered inside with my hands cupped at the side of my face. All the lights were off and there wasn't any movement at all.

"Empty." I sighed and I walked back over to Stark.

He checked the time on his watch and frowned.

"Maybe it's dinner time and they're all at home." He shrugged.

"I doubt it." I said and he nodded in agreement.

We continued walking through the streets until we heard screams. They weren't screams of panic and pain though. They were screams of joy and excitement.

My brow lifted and so did Stark's. We jogged to where the noise was coming from and we entered a really large building that had about 14 floors.

"I wonder what's going on here." I said.

We entered a room filled with tons of people sitting on bleachers. It was everyone from the town.

The bleachers surrounded a gym-like floor and in the center stood a man. To the side do the man, a black furred wolf was caged inside a metal crate.

The wolf was growling and barring its canines as it paced around the cage, looking at everyone in the room. It was beautiful but shock had consumed me and I couldn't take in its beauty properly.

"How do they know?" I whispered, flabbergasted.

"I have no idea." Stark shook his head.

I staggered over to the closest person and tapped them on the shoulder. The guy turned and looked at me.

"Why is that animal caged?" I questioned him.

"Well supposedly it's the one going around killing people. There have been five people killed in the last two weeks." The guy said and I paled.

"Killed?" I repeated in astonishment.

The guy nodded and looked at me like I had three heads. I'm sure I seem like I live under a rock.

"Thanks." I told the guy and gave him a weak smile.

Stark and I left the building and he looked at me.

"Let's go get information." He said and excitement coursed through me as the shock slowly wears off.

I was finally going to do something fun!

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