Four Other Me's

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Every day, every night, I remember that night. I remember ever little detail. That night, I was brought to a hospital then to an orphanage. I was put into Mrs. Cherry's Home in the middle of my town. I have been here for 9 years. Yep, I'm 16 years old and still in an orphanage. The reason for that is because when I was put there, I didn't want to go with any one. Mainly because everyone who wanted me were prissy, preppy, snotty, uptight people. I hated people like that, they annoy the hell out of me.

At Mrs. Cherry's Home we were like slaves. We had to do the dishes ever 3 hours even though there wouldn't be any in them, we had to sweep the floor 5 times a day and we had to do the laundry 8 times a day. It was like living in hell, I wouldn't mind living there actually. Everyone here is a saint and an annoying Christian (Not saying anything bad about you if you're a Christian). They always make you pray before bed and shit like that. When they did that I always just closed my eyes and imagined the head mistress getting pulled up by her feet by a rope and hanging upside down from the ceiling as we all escaped out of there. Once I laughed out loud and couldn't stop. I of course got put into this room where it was all blacked out and had no windows. They called it The Bad Girl/Boy Room, or also known as the Punishment Room.

One day when I got put into the Punishment Room for putting a thumb tack on Mrs. Jones seat in class I got pulled out sooner than I had expected. Oh yeah, another reason why no one ever took me to their homes was because I always pulled tricks and things think that on them or the mistresses. They always thought I was a bad influence and the mistresses thought I was just a plain old bad child. Me, I like to say that I'm either a Psychopath or just Crazy. But lets face it, there is only about a 60% chance of that being true.

When I got pulled out of the Punishment Room and brought down stairs to a tall old man, a shorter old women, a tall girl around the same age as me and then a normal size boy around my age standing in the middle of the entrance way I got really disappointed. But when I got a best look at them I was getting a little their of hope. And when I was standing right in front of them, I was amazed. They looked amazing, and just like me too!

The tall old man had dyed black hair with a short sweater jacket on. The short old woman had long flowing black hair that nearly touched the floor with a long black dress on that flowed behind her with black lace gloves on. The teenage girl had her hair dyed purple with her ends turning to a darker purple and she was wearing a short black dress with fishnet leggings and combat boots. The teenage boy had short scruffy black hair, black jeans with rips in them and a gray V-neck T-shirt with one single lips piercing on the right of his bottom lip. He looked amazing, heck the whole family looked amazing but this guy, he looked my amazing.

Mrs. Jones brought me down to the family and stood me still in front of them. I looked shy as hell in front of them but still smiled up at them like I was just meeting Marilyn Manson for the first time.

"Camille this is the Night family. Mr and Mrs Night this is Camille Dagger" Mrs. Jones said introducing me to the family. Night, Oh my god that sounds so cool!

"Hello Camille, I am Mr. Night or you could call me Seth" Mr. Night said putting his hand out to shake it. I put my hand out to him and shakes.

"H-Hi, I-I'm Camille, or you could call me Cam or Cammy, I prefer Cam the most though" I told him as I shook it. He smiled to me as I went to the mother.

"Hi I'm Mrs. Night or Rachel" She said putting her hand out to me. I shook again and then went to the daughter.

"My names Raine, nice to meet you" She said smiling to me and holding her arm out to my stiff. I looked confused at her for a second then shook her hand. A I touched her hand a zap went threw me and made me jump in the air. She first out laughing as I grabbed my hand. Immediately her parents looked at her and began to yell at her, but stopped when I grabbed her hand again.

"That is so cool! What is it called?" I asked memorized.

"It's a hand buzzer thing. I got it at some toy store where we live" She told me. I smiled at her and asked to barrow it. She gave it to me and I put it on my hand, I turned to Mrs. jones and grabbed her arm. She widened her eyes and yelled out in pain. Raine, her brother and I all laughed at her. Mrs. Jone took the toy from me and gave me a stern look.

I went back to shaking hands and that's when I got to him. The teenage boy that looked way too good to be like me, way too hot to look how he does. I slowly stuck my hand out to shake it, but he hesitated. After a second he put his arm out and shook it with a smile on his face.

"Hi my name is Alexander, or Alex, but I like Alexander much more" He told me. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Alexander, I like that name. It' the name of a character in a book series I am in love with" I told him. He nodded his head this time and smiled again. He looked down to my hand and looked wide eyes at me for a few seconds.

"Wow! Where did you get that ring? It's so cool and huge!" He asked me. I looked down and my smile went away.

"M-My parents gave it to me the night they........It was a birthday present" I told them trying not to get all emotional in front of them. They all stopped smiling and now looked sad as I did.

"I'm sorry. That ring must mean a lot to you. Did your parents tell you anything about the diamond in the middle?" Rachel asked me. I shook my head.

"No. they just gave it to me"

"Well I've seen that stone before, and it means that whoever has it, is destined to be a great person" Rachel told me. I smile and chuckled a little.

"Yeah cool" I said not amused. Like she researched my ring. It's just from one of those pawn shops probably. After that we all headed to the living room area of the Home and all started to talk to each other.

"So how old are you Camille?" Seth asked me.

"I'm 16 years old" I told them with my legs crossed and my arms getting tired. I knew I looked rude but I was really tired. Because of getting thrown into the Punishment Room all the time I have to do extra chores.

"Oh that's nice. Alexander and Raine are the same age" Rachel told me. I picked right up and smiled.

"Cool!" I told them. They all laughed at me and then continued with the questions.

"What are your favorite things to do" Alexander asked me out of no where. I thought for a second and then answered him.

"I like reading, but only curtain things like horror, supernatural, and thriller. I like writing and only about curtain things, and I think that's it..........Oh wait! I love to draw. I always draw, paint, color, anything when I have the time" I told them. They all looked amazed.

"Wow we already have a lot in common. I love to paint and draw. I mainly draw portraits of my family or things that I think are beautiful and eye capturing" Alexander told me. Oh my god a hot artist. Cool! Ok if these people actually adopt me, I actually wouldn't care, all the way.

"Have you traveled anywhere besides here?" Raine asked me. I thought for a second and then nodded my head.

"Yeah, but not many. My parents and I all visited Florida, then we went to Japan, and my favorite place, Transylvania. My parents and I all went there because of something they had to do for their job, and they had to meat a friend of theirs. It was amazing, we went to this huge castle like mansion. It was amazing. It had this huge drive way with a car that looked like a hearse kind of and the door was the size of a dump truck. It also had these castle like towers up above with all the window curtains shut closed. It was really cool" I told them. As I spoke it was like they held onto every word I told them, like they were taking notes on me, or like they new exactly what I was talking about.

"That sounds pretty cool!" Seth told me. I nodded my head smiling up at him. Even when he sat down he was as tall as a building and I was as small as an ant.

After talking more and more about myself and then me asking them some questions about themselves, and them hesitating to answer, we got a little tired. Well at least I did. I was yawning the whole time. I would usually start to feel sleepy and tired and stuff from all the cleaning and chores at around 6 to 7 O'clock. Today I had to do extra work because of the thumb tack and it's only 4. I need to stay awake though. I can't let them leave yet, I want to know more about them, their so cool. 

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