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Alexander's POV

    Still no sign of Camille in the past 4 days. I was now beginning to Thrash Out. I hated it when I would Thrash Out. It was like I was a different person. My personality is always different, my thoughts are different, and my actions are way different. It was like I was an actual monster.

    I decided to just stay in my room and try and relax. I know I'm gonna do something I'll regret. So I just need to stay calm, stay calm, stay calm....How the hell am I supposed to stay calm!!!?!??!?!? My Mate is missing and could fucking be dead.

    I was now begging to get angry.

    "James!!!" I yelled. I threw my first into my wall, making a huge whole. I pulled my hand out of the drywall and looked at my knuckles. They were bleeding....SHIT!!! Camille! The blood!

    "H-H-He probably hasn't been feeding her" I thought aloud. "Or what if he did make her feed, but on people?" I asked myself again. I was now getting scared and angry. I could feel myself changing.

    I ran into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were a dark blood red and my fangs were piercing out of my gums. I growled at myself in anger and looked away.

    Calm down Alexander. Remember what Raine said 'If I Thrash Out, I'll just make it worse for everyone, even me'. I quickly eased. I was now back to normal.

    After a few minutes I heard someone running towards my room. They barged in and looked scared.

    "Prince Alexander!" Asked one of my guards: John. I looked at him confused.

    "Yes? What is it?" I asked.

    "I think we have found something. But we need your help" He said scared. What's happening?

    "Why? What's happening John?"

    "We first found a dead girl on the side of the road" He said. I froze in fear, thinking it was Camille.

    "What!?" I asked scared. My heart was now racing.

    "Then we have found two girls. They are fighting with the guards right now down the road some" John said. I grabbed my jacket and ran out my room, then out my house.

    Camille? Please be all right, please.

Camille's POV

    We were running for about 15 minutes straight. I had no idea where I was going, or where we were.

    I held Amara in my arms as her mother ran side to me. She was afraid she wouldn't be fast enough if she held her so she insisted I do it for her.

    We were now on our 20 minute mark of running. We began to slowly stop, but that's when it happened. There was a very loud gun shot. I ducked Amara's and I's head down, but when I stood back up to see Sofie, she had a hole in her stomach. I screamed. Amara didn't have to see what had happened to her mother to know she was dead.

    Sofie's body automatically went limp and she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Her whole insides were splattered all over the ground and on the pavement of the road. I screamed at the sight and automatically began to cry my eyes out.

    After I fell to my knee's still holding Amara in my arms, there then began to be car lights coming towards us. They were beeping and screaming like they were in some kind of cult or something about to attack.

    Amara began to scream and cry in my ear when I turned around to run. She must have seen her mother on the ground, d-dead. Oh god, I'm gonna puke.

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