4 Chapter

475 13 11

Hinata quietly sat in her car and re-read her scripts just to make sure that she remembers everything perfectly. Hinata glanced at clock on her hand. *It's 1 AM… I guess I have to go and get ready for the filming.* Thought Hinata and got out of the car. At that moment Kurenai was just approaching Hinata's car. –Oh Hinata! I was just going to call you to get ready for the filming. – Said Kurenai and Hinata sighed. –There was no need for you to come here. You know that I know it already. – Said Hinata and Kurenai sighed. –Sometimes I think that you even don't need me. – Said Kurenai. *I really think that way too sometimes.* Thought Hinata but kept quiet.

They walked in castle and Hinata went to bathroom. There was young girl with large blond hair. –Hello Hinata! – She said cheerfully and Hinata smiled. –It's good to know that you're fine Ino! Makeup artist that was replacing you while you were sick was horrible! – Said Hinata and both of them giggled. –I am really sorry Hinata that I got sick. – Said Ino and sighed. –Oh no! There is no need to apologize! You were not at the fault. – Said Hinata and sat down on the chair in front of the mirror. –So what do you think about your partner in the movie? – Asked Ino and giggled. Kurenai left two girls alone. –You mean Sasuke? – Asked Hinata and Ino nodded. –Nothing much. As always. I only wish that he will know scripts. – Said Hinata and closed eyes while Ino started to put on her makeup.

Twenty minutes later.

Hinata walked out of bathroom and went to another room to dress up. She put on a black, large dress and black shoes on high heels. *I hate high heels!* She thought and sighed. *I'm already tall enough.* Hinata walked out of that room and saw Sasuke. He was in a simple black jeans, black shirt which was open halfway and under it riddle-type undershirt. There were some accessories and when Sasuke saw how Hinata was staring at him, he changed his look in the eyes on a sharper one. Hinata giggled. –Not bad. – Said Hinata and passed Sasuke. Sasuke smirked. –You too. – He said but he thought not the same. *I can't wait until we have to film a sex scene!* Thought he and walked to the direction where Kakashi was standing.

Hinata walked to castles garden, where the movie was going to start. There were everyone from staff and other actors. Kiba and Shino were acting like Hinata's, more like Tsuki's, right hand and had to be a big help in the movie. Mostly they didn't have a lot of cameras attention, only when Hinata – Tsuki needed help or something. Hinata was happy to see Shino, because they were acting together second time and Shino was a great actor for these kind of roles.

Hinata looked around and saw director Sasori and director Deidara arguing about something. She sighed. *They always argue about something!* She thought and saw Shino coming closer to her. When Shino approached Hinata, they hugged each other and Kiba got jealous. –How have you been Shino? – Asked Hinata happily. Shino smiled what he did only in front of Hinata. –I am doing fine. SO in this movie I will be your servant again? – Said Shino and Hinata giggled. –Well… You never really were interested in other type of roles so what was you expecting? – Asked Hinata still smiling. –That's true. – Said Shino and then everybody heard a ring, which meant that filming is going to start in a few minutes.

In a few seconds most of the actors and everybody else where in castles garden and watched how everything was going on. –Okay! We are going to film the scene in the garden, where Kuro is coming in garden; Tsuki is standing next to that wall and table… - Said Sasori and pointed out on a wall, which happened to be enclosure. –When she sees Kuro, she start's to tell about the rules and Kuro interrupt her saying 'I need 3000000 JPY (Which is around 23196 EUR and 30539 USD.)' and further you know. After this scene we are going to film the very beginning where Kuro slowly comes to this castle, two guardian's greed him -Shino and Kiba- and leads him to Tsuki. – Sasori sighed and Hinata smirked. *This will be hard… To work with Sasori and Sasuke!* She thought and sighed too.

Hinata heard Sasori yelling –START! – And she immediately was acting as Tsuki. Slowly in garden came in Kuro (Sasuke) and Hinata smirked. –Kuro right? – Said Tsuki (Hinata) and she had to wait for Kuro replays but he didn't said anything, like in scripts was written. –Our organization has rules. First: You need to give back all the money we lent you in time, if no I will simply kill you. – Said Tsuki, and her expression showed that she was saying the truth. Everyone from aside looked at Hinata's acting amazed. –Second: You have to… - But Kuro (Sasuke) interrupted Tsuki (Hinata) perfectly like in scripts was said. *Not bad Sasuke… Really not bad.* Thought Hinata. –I need 3000000 JPY (Which is around 23196 EUR and 30539 USD.). – Said Kuro (Sasuke) and smirked, which wasn't like in scripts was said. Kuro (Sasuke) had to look annoyed and mad not happy or triumphantly smiling. So director Sasori stopped all the filming. –STOP! – He yelled and Hinata sighed.

She walked towards Sasuke and laughed. –No matter what are you thinking about, while you are acting, you can't forget that you are acting. Your smile said something like 'Yeah I won!' but you had to look annoyed and mad. Next times try to concentrate on the things that are written in scripts, not on the thoughts that are in your head. – Said Hinata and walked back to her place, where she had to be when filming was going to start. Sasuke looked at Sasori. –She is right. Everything she said, she said right Sasuke. Hinata is a professional and she can think of other things while acting and she can simply analyze your acting and tell every little mistake you make. Unnecessary move, small smile, which even I can't catch, breath rhythm changing and more, she can see everything. – Said Sasori and Sasuke looked back at Hinata. *So when Kakashi was saying 'Guy's but you have to be really concentrated while acting with them, more with Hinata, because she is really amazing in acting and you can forget everything while she is acting…' he meant that I can't think too high of myself? Puff… As if I am doing it.* Thought Sasuke and smirked. *I bet we will film this place at least two more times.* Thought Hinata and smiled. –Okay! Let's start! – Said Sasori and everything started.

Fifteen minutes later.

-Okay! This scene is finished! – Said director Sasori and Hinata smirked. *I thought so! Two more times and third time finally done!* She thought and walked to her seat, to watch Sasuke's scene, when Kuro is coming to castle and so… First time Sasori stopped filming because of Sasuke's smirk. Second time they were stopped because of that sentence 'I need 3000000 JPY' but instead of that he said 'I kreend 3000000 JPY' while everything was perfect. If not his 'kreend' and after that a funny face and everybody laughed, even Sasuke let out a small laugh. And third time they were stopped because Kiba 'accidentally' put his leg in front of Sasuke's legs and Sasuke almost fell down, but he quickly cached Kiba's hand and pulled him under himself so he fell down on Kiba.

Hinata heard –Start! – and returned to reality still smiling. *For beginner it's not bad at all. But what will be with Naruto!? Well… He is acting with Sakura, so probably he knows even more than Sakura.* Thought Hinata and saw Sasuke, walking in the castle and smirked. *Something will happen now.* Thought she and heard –STOP! – Hinata giggled. –Sasuke, the fact that you are inside the house doesn't mean that you can stop the act! You have to walk in fully, wait for me to say 'CUT' and then you can go back to your Sasuke mood, but not a second earlier. – Yelled Sasori and Hinata sighed. She got up and walked towards Sasuke and Sasori, who were standing next to each other, yet Sasori yelled.

-Hey Sasori! – Yelled Hinata at him. He turned his glare at Hinata and she smirked. –Don't yell at him. He is just a beginner and he can't do everything perfectly! – Said Hinata and Sasori became angrier. –No! You did everything perfectly at the first time! – Sasori yelled back at Hinata and she sighed. –Don't dare to yell at me director Sasori and there isn't anyone who can do everything perfectly at the first time. I did fine because I was learning scripts like insane and didn't slept for three days! Remember what happened later!? He got these scripts only yesterday and how could he learn everything? – Yelled Hinata and Sasori sighed. –Don't yell… Your yelling makes my head hurt. – He said and Hinata sighed. – Again please. – Said Sasori and Hinata walked back to her seat.

Sasuke approached her and he looked annoyed. –Great Uchiha! That's the expression Kuro has to wear all the time. – Said Hinata and turned away from Sasuke. –Hinata don't protect me! I'm not a kid. – Sharply said Sasuke and Hinata sighed. –You think I protected you? No way in the hell I would do so! I just wanted to make Sasori to shut up because his yelling annoys me. I never ever thought about that I have to protect you. You're a big boy. – Said Hinata and Sasuke quickly walked away. *Of course I was protecting you dumb Uchiha! If I wouldn't have done that Sakura would have killed me!* Thought Hinata and sighed.

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