5 Chapter

471 15 3

Hinata looked around and noticed that Sakura wasn't here while they were filming the first scene. *Where is she?* Thought Hinata and got up. She saw Shizune standing next to Kurenai and walked towards them. –Shizune-san where is Sakura? – Asked Hinata and Shizune sighed. –I… I don't know. Sakura said she will be back soon and walked somewhere with Naruto. – Said Shizune and Hinata sighed. –No matter how she act's she still wants' to practice before filming. – Said Hinata and walked away. *Even when her beloved Sasuke is acting.* Thought Hinata and walked to a Konoha guy's (Sasuke's and Naruto's band.) bus.

She opened doors and heard Sakura's voice. –What are we going to do Kaito!? We need to get money! – Said Sakura (Atsuko). –I know a place where we can get that much money. – Said Naruto (Kaito). Hinata walked in and smiled. –We will need to give that money back, but we will have more time then, Atsuko. – Said Hinata. These were line's which Naruto (Kaito) had to say, but he took a big pause, which proved that he doesn't remembers everything that good. Sakura and Naruto looked at her surprised. –What are you doing here Hinata? – Asked Sakura and Hinata smiled. –We finished filming first scene. Now they are filming the scene where Kuro is coming to castle – very beginning. – Said Hinata and sat down on a couch. –And how Sasuke was doing? – Asked Sakura and a light red color were on her cheeks. Naruto didn't notice that. –He was not that bad. We re-filmed first scene four time's which is pretty good for him. – Said Hinata and Sakura smiled. *That's my Sasuke!* Thought Sakura and Naruto sighed.

-Hinata could you please watch our act and tell something that we need to do better? – Asked Sakura and Hinata smiled. –Of course. But I think that your acting will be perfect as always. – Said Hinata and Sakura lightly blushed. *I really like how Hinata treat this job!* Thought Sakura and they started. –What are we going to do Kaito!? We need to get money! – Said Sakura (Atsuko). Hinata analyzed her. *This far everything is fine with lines. She needs to act more worried and show that more on face.* Thought Hinata. –I know a place where we can get that much money. – Said Naruto (Kaito). –We will need to give back that money, but… - Started Naruto and suddenly stopped. –I just can't remember everything perfectly. – Said Naruto and sighed. –Wasn't that right? – Asked Sakura and Hinata sighed. –You can tell when you're not saying the right words but you can't remember the right words? – Asked Hinata surprised. –You had to say 'We will need to give that money back, but…' – Said Hinata and Naruto sighed again.

-Okay Sakura, you have to act like 'If we don't get that money, we are dead' which means you have to be more worried and show how scared you are on your face while you are acting more like 'Yeah yeah… If we don't have that money we are dead' as if that doesn't really matters. You have to act as worried as possible because your beloved Kaito is going to die if you don't get that money. – Said Hinata and Sakura nodded. –Naruto… First you have to remember lines. Second: Acting isn't just saying lines, but acting is showing everything on your face and showing other emotions. Kaito here has to look really worried but at the same time he is trying to hide it from Atsuko. You have to not only learn the scripts but you have to learn emotions that are written next to words. – Said Hinata and Naruto sighed. –I can't learn all this! – Said Naruto and Hinata sighed. –Okay… Pretend that you are in this situation with the one you love. As if it's reality and if you don't get money then Sakura will die. I think that will help at least little bit show emotions that are needed without learning everything. – Said Hinata and Naruto smiled. –that will probably help! – He said and Sakura smiled too.

-Thank you Hinata. – Said Sakura and Hinata softly smiled. –I think I have to go. We are going to film next scene soon. Of course if Sasuke is finished with this one. – Said Hinata and stood up. She walked towards doors and opened them. –Ne-ne Sakura-Chan, Hinata is amazing right!? She is so good at acting! – Said Naruto. –Yeah. She really is amazing in acting. – Said Sakura and Hinata blushed. *I don't get to hear anyone saying that my acting is amazing too often… My father…* Thought Hinata and walked out of the bus.

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