7 Chapter

332 11 6

Half an hour later Hinata had to get up from couch in underwear and leave naked Sakura alone on it, to open doors. When Hinata opened them, Kurenai and Shizune imploded in Hinata's apartment half-drunk. Hinata giggled and Sakura got up from couch to help Shizune to get to couch not breaking anything and Hinata helped Kurenai. –Hinata-san… Did…Didn't you said that… you will… Not take care of my sexy Sakuu-chan? – Asked Shizune when sat down on couch and Sakura laughed. –This is the last time Shizune. – Said Sakura and Shizune touched Sakura's nipple. –We… We interrupted… you two? – Asked Kurenai and both of them, Shizune and Kurenai, looked and talked funny because they were drunk. –Kind of. – Said Hinata and sighed. –Now… Now Shizune take care about your little dirty Sakura while I and Kurenai will do our own business. – Said Hinata and took Kurenai to her bedroom. Shizune slyly smiled and took vibrator in hands.

Kurenai sat down on Hinata's bed and Hinata sighed. –Kurenai, why the hell did you drink that much? What will Asuma think? – Asked Hinata and Kurenai sighed. –Njuuu… You see… Shizune was nervous after what you said and told me that she wants to drink little bit… Aaand my Asu will not think anything… - Said Kurenai and hiccupped. –Where is your planner? – Asked Hinata and Kurenai sighed. *Again work…* Thought Kurenai. –In… my back pocked. – Said Kurenai and Hinata leaned to take it. Kurenai quickly hugged her and pushed her to bed so Hinata was under Kurenai now. –No fear! They are having fun now… And I want some fun with myyy Hiiina-chaan too! – Said Kurenai and kissed Hinata. *She will regret it tomorrow.* Thought Hinata and sighed. –You will regret it tomorrow. – Said Hinata and Kurenai kissed her again. –Nop! Never! – Said Kurenai and Hinata gave in.

Hour later.

Hinata just closed doors after Sakura, Shizune and Kurenai and went to bed. She was lying in bed and slowly sinking in to a sleep. *So tomorrow I have to get up in 8 AM… I have photography in 10 AM for new movie with Sasuke in agency. Then I have two interview shows and after that I have to go to a sports complex.* Thought Hinata and then finally was able to fall asleep.

Next morning 10 o clock.

Hinata and Kurenai just walked in agency where Hinata had to take photography with Sasuke. Kurenai looked just as awful as she was feeling after yesterday and she tried to avoid looking Hinata in the eyes because she was too ashamed. Hinata looked at Kurenai and sighed. –Kurenai, please take a free day today. I will be fine by myself. – Said Hinata and Kurenai looked at her with a surprise. –But Hinata… I can work. – Said Kurenai and Hinata smiled. –It's okay. I know where, when I need to be today and you can stop worry. I will ride you home after this. – Said Hinata and Kurenai sighed. –I can work Hinata. I am your manager after all. – Said Kurenai and they walked in Hinata's dressing room. –Kurenai! It's an order! You have to take break today and tomorrow you will come to work looking and feeling much better than today. – Said Hinata angrily and Kurenai nodded. *Well, I really need to rest today.* Though Kurenai and sat down on the small couch in Hinata's dressing room.

Hinata dressed down and put on white cocktail dress. Then Ino took care about her makeup and Hinata was ready for shooting. She walked to the room where shooting was supposed to be and saw there Sasuke standing without his shirt in black pants. –Hello Uchiha-san. – Said Hinata politely. –Hn. – Answered Sasuke and Hinata smiled inside of herself. *And I was nervous.* Thought she and then photographer came in. Hinata was really surprised. *They never let Neji to work with me! Why is he doing it now?* Thought Hinata.

-Okay Hinata-san and Sasuke-san, you two need to look like a couple and we need to take a good photography form movies cover. So let's work. – Said Neji and Hinata walked next to Sasuke. They hugged and Neji took a photo. –Please do something that really will make you two look like a couple. – Said Neji and Hinata lightly sighed. She didn't want anyone to hear her.

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