14 Chapter

247 8 4

Hinata opened her eyes and found herself in the same hospital in which she was before she fell asleep. She looked at clock which showed 11 PM and sighed. Hinata didn't had the strength to sit up and do something. Her whole body was aching and her leg was burning up, but Hinata wasn't going to ask for any medicine. She couldn't do it, because she didn't want to be a burden.

She heard her ward doors opening and then, a warm wind breath, took across the whole room amazing, lotus flower scent. Hinata smiled but then, when saw who came in, her smile dropped. It was Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. Hinata sat up and smiled at them. –You shouldn't have came to hospital. – Said Hinata blushing. –It's fine! – Said Sakura and widely smiled. She punched Naruto and he stepped closer to Hinata. –I am sorry Hinata, about what happened. How are you feeling? – Asked Naruto and Hinata warmly smiled. –It's okay. I feel fine. – Answered Hinata and Naruto smiled too. –That's good! – He said cheerfully and Sakura smiled too.

As always Sasuke had his annoying look on face and didn't said a word. –So how was your filming today? – Asked Hinata and Sakura sighed. –Well… Naruto couldn't remember scripts so we didn't film anything much… - Said Sakura and Naruto blushed. He dumbly smiled and Hinata found that cute. –If I would have been at work, everything would have went good… I am sorry… - Mumbled Hinata and her smile dropped. –Don't be! It's Naruto's fault that he can't remember scripts, not yours. – Said Sakura and Naruto again smiled. This time his smile was even cuter and Hinata noticed that. *He can be cute too!* Thought Hinata and smiled.

-So what did Sasori and Deidara said? – Asked Hinata and yawned. –Well… Nothing much… - Said Sakura and Hinata quickly looked at Sasuke. He was more annoyed than before. –So what did he said Sasuke? – Asked Hinata with a warm smile on her face. *I hate her smile and innocent.* Thought Sasuke and smirked. –Sasori said that Naruto is a fucking asshole and if not Sakura, he would have been thrown out from movie. Sasori yelled about the movie that without you we can't film more because Naruto doesn't know scripts and something about you that you are so breakable and weak. And of course Sasori said much more 'bad' words. Deidara just said something that he is sorry about you getting hurt. – Said Sasuke and Sakura glared at him.

*I knew he will tell the true.* Thought Hinata and smiled. –Thanks. – Said Hinata and Sasuke's smirk dropped. –Hn. – was all he repeated. –Guy's please go find vase and water. We need to put flowers in it. – Said Hinata and both of them, unwillingly left ward. Sakura looked at her strangely. –I wanted them to leave. – Said Hinata as if answering on Sakura's question. –Why? – She asked and Hinata sighed. –Well… I was thinking that maybe, only maybe, I should tell Sasuke and Naruto how I became famous… Just so they can understand me little bit more and have at least any kind of respect towards me. – Said Hinata. Her voice was quiet and sad, but Sakura tried to ignore it. Sakura knew that Hinata always will have this sad look on her face and those sadness hints in her voice, when talking about this.

-I think you should tell them… But not because of the fact that they don't respect you... They do. Especially Naruto. You were his favorite actress. But you should tell them because there should be more people, who knows it. They need to know because then they will have other thoughts in their heads, when they will look at you. You know they need to know. – Said Sakura and sat down on Hinata's bed. Hinata sighed. –I know… - Mumbled Hinata and deeply looked in Sakura's eyes. Sakura saw the pain, which Hinata suffered back then.

Slowly Sakura felt that warm feeling, to comfort her and protect her from everything, but that wasn't easy, because only Hinata could protect herself. They didn't notice how, but they already were inch away from each other face. Not thinking at all, they sank in to a deep and emotion-full kiss. Not because they felt lust, but because this was the only way to calm Hinata that Sakura know. Hinata heard her ward doors opening and she pushed Sakura away in time so Sasuke and Naruto didn't saw anything.

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