8 Chapter

316 9 4

In Sasuke's apartment.

Sasuke and Sakura with Naruto were sitting on couch and watching Hinata's interview. –Oh my god! – Said Sakura really worried. Sakura pressed Naruto's hand harder and Naruto worriedly looked at Sakura. –What is it sunny? – Asked Naruto and Sakura's eyes turned to him. –Hinata… This question… - She said and Naruto felt like an idiot. But he wasn't the only one who didn't understood what Sakura was saying. –Sakura… We don't understand. – Said Sasuke and Sakura quickly looked at the one who she adored so much. But Sakura could feel that her feelings towards Sasuke were adoring not love like towards Naruto. –Well… Hinata… I know her for a long time and I know how she became an actress… She can't answer on that question honestly. She has to lie… She will lie… - Said Sakura and everyone turned to TV when break was ended.

In studio.

Seven minutes had passed and Hinata, Lee and Itachi were in their places. –So where did we stopped? – Asked Lee to Itachi. –Hinata was going to tell us how she became an actress. – Answered Itachi and Lee nodded. –Well… It was really simple for me… I was taking castings in every movie which was going to be filmed and I had a good luck then and one of the directors found me good for one role and like that I started my career. – Said Hinata and smiled. *Why does my brains doesn't work normally today.* Thought Hinata and quietly sighed.

-That easy? – Asked Itachi, kind of disappointed. –Well… not really that simple… I had almost lost my will and was thinking of giving up… Everyone who wants to work as an actor or any other job, to become a celebrity, needs a strong will and power. I was weak… - Said Hinata and dumbly smiled. *This far everything is fine…* Thought Hinata and Itachi placed his hand on Hinata's hand. –I am really glad that you are so strong now. – He said and smiled. –Okay! Next question. – Yelled Lee as if he tried to break the atmosphere which Itachi was trying to build.

In Sasuke's apartment.

Sakura sighed in relief. –She lied? – Asked Sasuke and Sakura quickly looked at Sasuke. –Well… Yes she did… And why the heck your brother just flirted with her? – Asked Sakura as if trying to change conversation. –I have no idea why… But why can't she tell true? – Asked Sasuke still confused. *Why is Sasuke so damn interested!? Naruto even isn't!* Thought Sakura and sighed. *Why did Hinata lied!?* Thought Naruto. He was as interested as Sasuke was, but he had his girlfriend next to him and didn't want to make her made by too big interest in other woman.

-I can't tell you… I will ask Hinata and if she say's that's okay, then yes I will tell… Or probably she will tell. Until then I can't. – Said Sakura and Sasuke sighed. –What can be that interesting in her life? Her father is Byakugan Agency director and he is filming films too… Her mother was an amazing model an actress! She had all ways open to this career! – Said Sasuke annoyed. Sakura got angry. –You don't know anything about her! You can't value her! She isn't the kind of girl who will fall for a plain guy like you just because of your look! She isn't that simple! – Yelled Sakura and stood up. *Can't believe that I liked him that much!*Thought Sakura. –Naruto I'm leaving. – Said Sakura and Naruto got up too. –Sorry mate. – Said Naruto and both of them left.

Ten hours later.

Hinata was lying in her bed and sighing. *Thank god in the second interview questions wasn't so personal!* Thought Hinata and sighed again. It was dark in room and no one could see her worried look on face. *Itachi…* She thought. Hinata remembered how Itachi acted after interview. He went after her. –Hinata, after you told that you don't value people by first impression, I thought maybe we could find out more about each other? – He said and handed her his phone number. –Itachi, that's so sweet! But I really don't have time for relationships at the moment. – Answered Hinata and faked a smile. *Not another Uchiha… But he is handsome.* Hinata thought at that moment. –It's okay… Call me when you will have time. – Said Itachi and left Hinata.

Hinata turned to other side in bed. It was cold and Hinata felt that she is all alone. Sometimes this feeling was killing her, but this feeling was killing her slower than the present of other people who could suppress her. Hinata loved this dead silence and she would have felt really horrible if anyone would break it. That's why she bought this big apartment, because in her bedroom wasn't heard any sound from other rooms.

Hinata turned again. *What should I do..? Why Sasuke did do that? He isn't like that! He is always so cold and annoyed and he is always sharp… And I don't understand why he is acting with me… I think I will just have to bear with it until this movie is finished…* She thought and slowly fell asleep.

Next morning she woke up because someone was insistently pressing on her door bell. She looked around and found put that it was still night. Clock was showing 3 AM. Hinata sighed and unwillingly got out of bed. She put on a gown and went to open doors.

When she opened doors, Sasuke was hardly standing on his legs. *And why the hell he came to my apartment in this kind of state?* thought Hinata angrily and Sasuke fall down on Hinata. She sighed and giggled. Her cheeks were lightly red and she felt kind of happy. Her mood was much better than before a moment ago. Hinata dragged in Sasuke in her apartment and left him sleep on carpet because she knew that she will not be able to pull him on couch or in bed. Hinata walked and got another pillow and comforter for Sasuke. She put pillow under his head and covered him with comforter. She didn't cared to take of his clothes. Then Hinata went to bed and simply returned to her own sleep.

Next time Hinata got up when clock was showing 11 AM. She happily got out of bed and in her pajama went to kitchen. When she passed by Sasuke, only then she remembered what happened in night. She quickly went back to her bedroom, put on gown and then returned to kitchen.

She made a strong black tea for Sasuke and white coffee for herself. Hinata prepared breakfast. It was steamed rice, raw egg and then she was cared away and prepared some Black Magic Cake which took around a one and a half hour to prepare everything.

Sasuke was still deeply sleeping when Hinata walked in living-room and put everything on living-rooms table. She was going to woke him up but hesitated. Hinata sat down next to Sasuke on couch and looked at Sasuke's calm face. He looked so beautiful. Those raven color hair looked so adorable with pale skin and his lips, which were making a quiet snore, looked so kissable. Hinata enjoyed it. *What am I doing!?* She thought and felt a blush on her lips.

-Sasuke. – Said Hinata quietly and Sasuke moved. –Hey Sasuke wake up. – She said little lauder and Sasuke slowly opened his eyes. He looked so surprised and for Hinata it was obvious that he wasn't too happy to wake up in her apartment. –Wake up and drink that tea. You will feel better. – She said and still felt that her cheeks were hot. –How did… - He started but then felt how horrible his head was hurting and he quickly took black tea and drank half of it. Sasuke looked at Hinata. She sat down next to Sasuke and gave him breakfast. –Eat something. – She said and Sasuke unwillingly took steamed rice and raw egg.

They didn't talk. They simply enjoyed silence between the two of them and listened how they eat. –Want some Black Magic Cake? – Asked Hinata suddenly, when Sasuke just finished eating. –I don't like sweets. – Answered Sasuke, even thought the only sweet which he liked was this cake. But how could he tell her that!? –That was expected. – Mumbled Hinata kind of disappointed and sighed. Sasuke looked at her face. She didn't have any kind of makeup on but she still looked perfect. Her pale skin and eyes looked so good with dark, midnight blue, hair and her pink lips were calling for a kiss. *What are you thinking Sasuke!?* Thought Sasuke and leaned towards cake.

Hinata watched him with big interest. Sasuke took two cake pieces and put them on two plates. One he gave to Hinata and other left to himself. –You… you said you don't l-like sweets. – Said Hinata surprised. –I will try this one. – Said Sasuke and Hinata blushed. Sasuke pretended that he didn't notice that and turned away. *Sometimes he isn't as bad as it seems…* Thought Hinata and lightly giggled. Sasuke looked at her and smirked. *She is much more interesting than I thought… I will have to apologize to Sakura tomorrow…* Thought Sasuke and they continued to eat cake, which was really delicious.


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