19 Chapter

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It was already two months since Hinata found out she was pregnant. The movie was almost filmed as Hinata asked Sasori to hurry up with the movie, because she wanted to take a long vacation. He didn't asked for a reason and that's why Hinata liked him that much.

She decided, no matter is the father Sasuke, she wanted this kid… Hinata will love it anyway, no matter did she wanted this kid or was it a surprise, she will love it anyway!

Hinata just got to hospital to check how her kid was doing. Tsunade already knew that Hinata would never do an aborting as it's a crime for Hinata.

-Everything is fine. – Said Tsunade when finished checking her. –So what will you do? – Tsunade asked and Hinata smiled. –I have finished this movie and will take a break like for a year or more. I am going to leave to other country as I don't want anyone to find this out… I don't want Sasuke to know about this… But when I will be in 35th pregnancy week I will come back as I want you to accept delivery. – Hinata smiled and Tsunade sighed. –I will have to go and check on you once in a while anyway… - Tsunade smiled and Hinata laughed.

-When are you going to leave? – Asked Tsunade and Hinata's smile faded away. –Tomorrow. I am going to tell Gaara about this today, get my stuff packed and tomorrow morning leave. – Hinata looked away as Tsunade seemed angry. *I knew that!* Thought Hinata. –The one who should know is Sasuke not Gaara! – Tsunade angrily said and Hinata sighed. This wasn't the first time when they argued about this topic. –Gaara wanted to have a second chance… If he will be able to accept this, he will have a second chance… Gaara is a better choice for a father, because he has an experience in this. – Hinata got up from chair in which she was sitting. –Do what you want! – Tsunade said in a cold voice and Hinata left.

Soon she met Gaara. –I am not going to go round and round… - Hinata started. She knew that Gaara had no idea what was she talking about. –I am pregnant from Sasuke. I had an idea to do aborting, but I couldn't do that. If you can accept this, we can think about second chance, if you can't, then there is nothing to talk about anymore. – Hinata said. It was cruel for her to say it this way, but she at least was honest with Gaara about these things. *He will never accept this!* Hinata thought and sighed.

Gaara was quiet and that didn't surprise her. Hinata could understand him. –I… I need to think… - Mumbled Gaara and he quickly was gone.

Hinata got home and packed things for morning to leave. She wanted it so badly, that Hinata was ready to leave right now!

Next morning Hinata woke up early. She already knew what waited her in future. She wasn't scared. Not anymore when Hinata understood that she will have a healthy and beautiful kid. She didn't care anymore was the father Sasuke nor did she care will she have to raise the kid alone without a father.

Hinata was ready to leave. She took her luggage, closed doors to her apartment and left to car. Hinata was surprised to see Gaara leaning against it. –Good morning. – Hinata smiled at him. Gaara looked up at Hinata with pain in his eyes and Hinata understood that he can't really forgive her. –Morning. – He answered and sighed. –Look Gaara, you don't have to explain anything; just don't make everything even harder. – Hinata said and Gaara looked at her again. –No! I have to explain! I really want to go with you and help you with your pregnancy as I really like you, but I can't do it right now as I still have too many things to do here! If you ever need anything call me and I will be where you need me as soon as it will be possible! – Gaara took Hinata's hand and smiled.

Hinata was surprised. *Gaara is such a nice person… How could I ever be so cruel to him!* -Thank you Gaara… I promise that I will not bother you as long as it's not an emergency. – Hinata answered and kissed Gaara on the cheek. –Now I have to go and please keep this as a secret. – Hinata said and smiled. Gaara smiled back and nodded.

Next day's morning Hinata was in other country, in her new house at least until she will have to give birth to her kid. She never cared to find out was the kid girl or boy, but somehow she felt that it will be a beautiful boy, just like his father. *I hope that he will have a better temper than his father.* Thought Hinata and laughed.

It felt nice to leave everyone she knew behind and start a new life. Of course it wasn't right to leave Konoha and don't tell anything to Sasuke, he will find out it sooner or later, but Hinata didn't had the intention to become a burden for him. She never wanted to be a burden for anyone, and no one except Gaara and Tsunade knows about this.

Her father, sister, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, no one knows about the fact that Hinata will come back to Konoha as a mother and she loved this feeling, because finally she could do something she really wanted and she didn't had to act… She didn't had to act as she always did…

Three years later.

Hinata just finished cleaning her old apartment in Konoha as she just moved a few hours ago back. She heard one of the boy's quietly calling for her. Hinata went inside of the old guest room, which now was a room for her two kids. Yes! She had two boy's. They were identical twins, they looked just like Sasuke, yet one of them, who was born the second one, had the same eye color as Hinata.

Hinata saw that Ryun-Chan (Ryuuhiho Hyuuga), the one who had the same eye color which Hinata, was sitting in bed and looking at where Kozuhi-Chan (Kozuhi Hyuuga) was still taking his afternoon nap. No matter that they still were only two and a half years old, they already were smart, cute, handsome and knew some things which usually in this age people still don't know.

Hinata walked towards Ryun-Chan and took him in hands. –What is it dear? – Asked Hinata kindly and smiled. –I need to go to restroom and I don't want to sleep anymore. – Said Ryun-Chan. He was quiet serious, but it was always only then, when Kozuhi didn't saw it. It was Kozuhi's role to play the older brother, even if Ryuuhiho was the one who matched it better. –Okay, let's go. – Said Hinata and walked out of the room.

She put Ryuuhiho down on the ground and he went to the restroom, while Hinata went to finish the cleaning. She still had to move some not needed things away.

Hinata found something, what she got last month. It was a letter from Naruto and Sakura. They invited her, to their marriage. Hinata was happy for them and they told, that Sakura is pregnant from Naruto. Still Hinata refused to go to the marriage, because she had to stay home. To Sakura she said it's because she is sick, but actually Hinata never wanted to leave her two boy's alone at home or with anyone, who she didn't knew.

Even if Hinata could ask Tsunade to look after them, she probably had to work, so Hinata couldn't go to their marriage even if she wanted.

-Mommy, why are you so sad? – Hinata looked at the boy. –Kozuhi? I thought you were still sleeping. – Hinata said and smiled. –No, but why were you sad? Did I or my brother do anything? – He asked and worriedly looked at Hinata. –No, no. You didn't do anything at all! – Hinata said an hugged Kozuhi. She felt small, but warm hands wrapping around her neck. It was Ryuuhiho.

-Can we help you, mommy? – Asked Kozuhi and Hinata let him go. –If you want. – Said Hinata and smiled. Both of them happily nodded and Hinata got up from couch. –Then let's make this place our one and only home. – Said Hinata cheerfully and both cute kids yelled in joy.

*I am strong enough to do everything the way it should be by myself. Now I have two wonderful kids who will help me learn to feeling of love and warm. It's not like it used to be. I am not lonely anymore, now I am not the way I was when you, Sasuke, helped me. I am thankful for what we did, because now I have someone who will always be by my side.* Thought Hinata and quietly sighed in relief.


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