12 Chapter

269 7 3

Hinata took out her cell-phone from her handbag and wrote a text message. It said 'Hi. I will take some break from work… I am in Konoha's central hospital and I would be really glad if you could keep it a secret. Please don't tell anyone. Please!' Hinata pressed on a button which said 'CONTINUE' and found a number. Sakura's number. Some time she dumbly looked at her phone. *Should I tell her? She will worry if I will… But she will worry if I will not tell her. Well she will find it out sooner or later… Someone will tell her... Not, it will better if I will be the one telling it to her… But does she need to know? Yes, she is my friend… But she will worry… No! She will worry much more if I will be lost for such a long time!* Thought Hinata and sighed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Unwillingly she pressed on a button 'SEND' and watched how her phone vibrates after a few seconds. It said 'Sakura has got the message. She read it.' And Hinata started to worry.

*I shouldn't have told her! No! Why did I do it!* She thought. It was around twenty minutes since Tsunade left and soon she appeared in Hinata's ward. –I took everything you said. If you need anything else, call me and I will be here with it as soon as possible. – Said Tsunade and Hinata kindly smiled. –Thank you. You are really kind. Can you promise me not to tell anyone about me being in hospital? I would rather prefer them thinking that I am a start who is too highly thinking about herself. – Siad Hinata and Tsunade nodded. –Oh and Sakura might ask you about me, she know s that I am in hospital. It's okay to tell her. – Said Hinata and Tsunade smiled. *Finally she is opening up to someone.* Thought Tsunade and looked at her clock. –Oh! It's already 1 AM. You need to sleep. I will come tomorrow. – Said Tsunade and Hinata almost jumped in her bed. –No! Tsunade you don't have to come here tomorrow. You have your own business to do and I don't want to be a burden to you! If I will need anything I will call. – Said Hinata and she looked really worried. –Okay okay… Just don't suffer. If you need any help, feel free to call a nurse. – Said Tsunade and Hinata smiled. –Okay. – Said Hinata and Tsunade leaned and kissed Hinata's forehead. –Get well soon. – Said Tsunade and Hinata blushed. –Thank you. – Mumbled Hinata and blushed even more.

She wasn't used to be treated like this. Hinata was always bearing everything by herself. She couldn't go to her father for help or mother. They were too busy and her father never really cared about her problems. For him Hinata was the biggest burden in his life, even now, when Hinata was the most needed and wanted actress in all countries.

Hinata sighed and heard that in the corridor someone yelled 'You can't go in there without robe!' and Hinata already knew who it was. Here door opened with such a force that they almost broke. –Hinata! – Yelled Sakura and rushed to hug her. –Oh my god! What happened! – She asked still yelling. –Sakura don't yell, calm down and sit down. – Said Hinata and gigged. Sakura did as she was told to.

-So what happened? – Asked Sakura still too nervous. –Remember when Naruto scared me and I fell down on Sasuke? – Asked Hinata and Sakura nodded. Hinata bit in her lip. –Well… I sprained my ankle then. – Said Hinata and Sakura's eyes grew bigger. –But as you know I continued to work and it got much worse... Now I have a broken ankle and inner inflammation. – Said Hinata and smiled. Sakura looked at Hinata really worried. –Why didn't you said it to Sasori or Deidara? Why did you kept on working? – Asked Sakura and Hinata sighed. –That's the way I am… And that's why I left so quickly… I just couldn't work anymore. – Said Hinata and put a hand in her face as if she felt horrible for doing it.

–Don't worry Hinata. I will tell Sasori what happened and will film the scenes with me and Naruto. – Said Sakura and smiled. Hinata lifted hear head and looked at Sakura. –No! There is no way that you can tell him. I asked you to keep it a secret. Just say him that my nerves couldn't take him anymore… Make it sound as if I am one of those arrogant actresses. – Said Hinata and giggled. Sakura didn't think that it was funny. – Why? – Asked Sakura. –Because I want so. – Answered Hinata and Sakura got little bit angry. –But you're not like that! – Said Sakura and Hinata sighed. –Promise me that you will do it for me. – Said Hinata and Sakura unwillingly nodded. –I will, but just because you ask for it. – Said Sakura and Hinata smiled. –Thank you. – Said Hinata and Sakura went to hug her.

-By the way, Sasuke and Naruto want to know how you became an actress… The real story and more about your life. – Said Sakura and Hinata's smile dropped. –Don't tell them… They still can't know it. – Said Hinata and Sakura nodded. –I knew you will say so. – Said Sakura and Hinata weakly smiled. –Go home now Sakura, you need to rest. – Said Hinata and Sakura left.

In ward came a nurse and helped Hinata to change, then she covered Hinata with comforter and turn off the light. Then nurse left. As soon as nurse left Hinata let out a small sniff. Tears were running down her cheeks as if they were hold in for all her life. She couldn't bear with the pain anymore but she couldn't let anyone see her crying. She couldn't keep this a secret from everyone, but she couldn't tell it to everyone. She didn't had an escape in her life. She just had to bear with everything, because she was too scared to tell anyone about her problems – she didn't wanted to be a burden in anyone's life.

But she had two things why she cried. One was because of the pain, which was killing her half of the day already… and another thing… What Sasuke did to her. She still couldn't really understand why he did it. She didn't understood why word had to be so harsh on her. *I am a burden and shame to my family, I am a useless actress, who can't do what director asks from her, I am too arrogant and hang my problems on other people! I blame other people in my own mistakes… Why do I still live here, where no one needs me, where no one cares about me, where I am so helpless and unneeded to everyone!* She thought and tears still were running down her cheeks. Hinata didn't tried to stop them, because she was sure that no one will come here. No one knew where she is and Tsunade and Sakura probably are at home and they are resting.

Suddenly her phone vibrated. *What!* She thought and hardly sat up. Hinata found her phone and wiped her eyes. Her vision was too blurry from tears. It was a message from unknown, for Hinata, number. She opened message and tried to read it. It said 'Hello Hinata. I am really sorry for what I did today… I don't know why I did it and I am sure you hate me now, but you need to return to work and finish the movie. I promise not to do anything like that anymore, but I am sure you know that this movie needs to be finished. P.S. Sorry! Sasuke. '

Hinata looked at her phone and tears returned to her eyes. *Great Hinata! Now he is thinking that the reason why you're not going to film more is his fault! Great work!* She thought and watched how her phone gets wet from her tears. She tasted it and smiled. It was her first time, after a long time, to taste her own tears. They were salty and Hinata liked that. Soon she cried herself to sleep.

Next morning she woke up when sun was already high up in sky. She looked at her phone which still was tightly in her hand and looked at the clock in it. It was 1 PM already. *WOW! I slept a lot!* She thought and tried to move. –Ouch! – She yelled quiet laud when tried to move her leg little bit. Because of inner inflammation, her leg wasn't in Paris plaster and her leg was two times bigger than yesterday. In her ward rushed a nurse.

-Hello Hyuuga-san! – Said the girl. She was so positive and looked so healthy. –Hello. – Answered Hinata and smiled. -Please leave me alone. – Said Hinata and her smile grew. Girls smile dropped little bit but she quietly left.

Hinata felt her phone vibrate again. She looked at it and only then notice that there are three messages and those were from the same number which yesterday. *Sasuke…* Thought Hinata and sighed. She slowly opened all the messages. Fist said 'Listen Hinata, I know I did a horrible thing to you, but we need you here in filming. ' Second said 'Don't worry, I will never again do what I did yesterday, just come back to filming.' And the last one, which came the last one said 'We can talk about it when you will come to filming. You can do to me whatever you want to, just come.' And Hinata sighed.

She felt that something wasn't right. *Sasuke isn't the kind of a person who will so madly try to apologize! It's not Sasuke, who is writing this! Sasuke would have never really worry about that kind of a thing because he is insensitive to everything. This is not Sasuke… But who can know it! No one! They couldn't see it! Only if Sasuke would have told it to someone…* Thought Hinata and her phone vibrated again.

It was another message from the same number. It said 'All those four messages send Naruto from my phone. He doesn't know anything, just the fact that I did something to you. Sasuke.' And Hinata smiled. *This definitely is Sasuke! And thank god he didn't told Naruto.* Thought Hinata and smiled little bit widely.


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