Rape ( Short Chapter )

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Look at the ceiling as I feel his hard thrust go in my body. I wanted to cry so bad but you learn to get use to it. Nobody knows not even my mother. I heard him groans as he went faster and bust inside of me. He lift up and kiss me on the nose but I turn away. He laughs and got up. He walk to the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I try to get up but felt pain in my lower back. I lay back down and try to picture a plan to get away from this crazy person. I slowly got up and try to put pants on. My legs hurt but I have to get through the pain. I block the door with bat that was in the corner. I put it under the door nob and quickly went down the stair to the door. I open the door and I was free from hell. I went to the nearest bus stop and though about " Why I stay with him "? or " I should have left a long time ago"? 
Author Note 💀💕
Hey guys, i'm back with another short  chapter 😅. Can you guess, who got rape?
Was it.....
- Kidada
- Aaliyah
- Lisa
- Sade
- Kelly
- Lexis
I forgot the other main characters that are girls and if I miss anyone please tell me 😢.
So tell me in the comment below 😊 I let you know in next chapter and the background of it. 


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