It Doesn't Work That Way Chapter 1

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Do you ever get the feeling you were forgetting something, something REALLY important? You know that nagging feeling that just doesn't go away no matter how hard you try to remember. And as it eats away at you become irritable and slightly grumpy. Well I was feeling this way now as I sat on the bleachers of Rosemont's brand new $1 million stadium. Why we needed a new one was unknown to me; other than the football team being THE most important thing to this high school, because the old one was only 7 years old and still looked brand new when they tore it down.

Anyway back to me feeling irritable. I couldn't for the life of me remember what I had forgotten, my memory was pulling evasive maneuvers left and right keeping the forgotten memory just out of reach.

"Rose? What's up? Angry Face is back." My best friend Stella Taylor said scattering my thoughts in all directions.

"Angry face? We're back to that again?" I said looking at her.

"Um if I remember correctly I never stopped calling you Angry Face. We just didn't get to talk to each other a whole lot this summer so there was no proper time to call you Angry Face." She said smiling her perfect little smile. She was right though, she's been calling me Angry Face for as long as we've known each other; which is only 3 years but still. First day freshman year I was sitting in class staring at the whiteboard already dreading the next 4 years to come. Obviously I'm not the optimistic type. At that point the door to the classroom had burst open revealing a very tall, very thin and very blonde girl. As she scanned the room for a place to sit I went back to staring at the whiteboard. She sat down beside me and said "What's up Angry Face?" I just looked at her didn't say a word and she continued "So do you hate this place as much as I do?" With that sentence I decided then and there we were gonna be great friends.

"Right sorry bout that you know how strict the parental units are when it comes to family vacations."

"Oh yes, the parents. I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again."

"And I'm going to agree with you again."

"Your parents are the strictest people I know and they aren't even around to be strict. I mean aren't they gone 9 months out of the year?"

"Something like that." I murmured. My parents were a sore subject for me. They were always gone. Them being "International Realtors" they were always in a different country, heck they were almost never on the same continent as my brother and I.

Speaking of my brother he was down below on the football field practicing against the varsity team, they were getting pummeled. He's a freshman, just started high school and he's already loving it. Weird I know, what freshman loves high school???

"Oh now c'mon don't be like that. Grumpy Face is not welcome here."

"Well you brought them up."

"Um no you did I just told you how stupid they were."

"No you brought up how absent they are in my life."

"Rose I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to go like this." She said with a glum look spreading across her face.

"No Stella it's fine. I shouldn't be this upset by it, I mean they've been gone for so long it shouldn't bother me anymore."

"Alright topic change! So Sean's party. Go or no go?"

"Oh I don't know...I was kinda thinking maybe we could do a girls' night."

"Nope, you need some cheering up! We are going to party!!"

"ROSE!!!" I turn at the sound of my name, my eyes landing on three guys. Apparently practice had ended and the guys had all showered and changed and had made their way up to us whilst we were talking.

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