It Doesn't Work That Way Chapter 10

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The dance is even lamer then I thought it would be. And that's saying something. However I have to deal with it for 20 more minutes until we can leave for the party.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back." Mike says walking away from the table I've been sitting at for the last 30 minutes picking at a napkin with pretzels on it. This is ridiculous. Why did I even agree to come? Right because Sean talked me into it. Then he went and f*cked another girl. I'm not even surprised, I mean he did it before what's stopping him from doing it again. Obviously nothing.

"Hello Rose." I stand up and begin to walk away when Sean's hand grabs my wrist. "Nope you're not going anywhere. Sit right back down." I sit but don't say anything, I don't even look at him. "I told you you couldn't ignore me forever. So can I have this dance?" I look him in the eye.

"Go to hell."

"Seriously. This is getting ridiculous Rose. Talk to me." I don't say anything. I am so beyond pissed that he thinks he can just do this to me. "Well at least tell me if you're coming to the party or not."

"We are."

"We? We who?"

"Mike and I."

"Mike is not invited." He's getting angry I can tell by the way his posture straightens and how I can now hear him breathing through his nose.

"Mike doesn't go I don't go. You want me to come, Mike is coming with me."

"No. He's not. You're still technically dating me."

"And if we go by that you technically cheated on me. Again. And you know what I'm not even surprised. Although it did hurt, I thought you'd at least wait until the month was up to start f*cking around with other girls. Obviously I was wrong."

"I'm sorry Rose. I-"

"No you're sorry you got caught. You've got two days left anyway."

"No I am really truly sorry, wait what are you talking about? Two days? For what?"

"Until the month is up. Two days until I'm done with you. Let me tell you it's not coming fast enough." He doesn't say anything, I didn't expect him to though. I see Mike coming out of the bathroom so I get up not saying anything else and walk over to him on the dance floor. "Let's dance." We danced for the rest of the 20 minutes.

"You ready to go?" He asks smiling and slightly out of breath.

"Definitely. Let's go." We get out into the night, it's beautiful and warm with a slight breeze. "So should I change now or when we get to Sean's house?"

"Probably not until we get to Sean's place. I don't want anyone sneaking a peak of you here and at Sean's I can at least park somewhere where no one can see you."

"Such a gentleman." I smirk.

"Well I try." He says opening the passenger door for me and helping me in.

"We're here." Mike says rolling to a stop several yards away from the house. I climb into the backseat.

"Can you hand me my bag?" I ask him. He hands it to me. "No peaking." He smiles at me .

"Wouldn't dare." He turns back around and stares out the windshield. I take my clothes out of my bag and take off my dress. "So why don't you wear dresses to parties?" He asks still staring out the front.

"Because dresses ride up and then everyone can see your underwear. And because it's much easier and faster to take advantage of someone in a dress then in shorts." I say pulling the sparkly cropped tank over my head.

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