It Doesn't Work That Way Chapter 9

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I'm not having fun right now. We're stomping all over the other team. I don't even know what the score is anymore because I gave up on trying to keep up. Last time I looked though it was 60 something to maybe 14. I think. That was at halftime. I do know that it should be over in less than 5 minutes though. And if it's not then I'm leaving. Screw Sean and his demand that I be here. This game is never ending.

It was over in 2 minutes. I didn't even bother looking at the final score. All the people in the stands rushed out onto the field and surrounded the team. I don't get why they're so excited it wasn't even an important game. And of course we were gonna win the other team sucked, so there was no need to be screaming and rushing to the field. However, I followed behind the screaming mass out onto the field.

"Hey Rosie. It was nice of you to come." Sean said walking up to me taking his helmet off.

"Can I leave now?" I ask impatiently.

"Now why would you wanna do something like that?"

"Because I have better things to do."

"Fine, you're still coming to homecoming with me right?"

"Far as I know, but we're only staying for an hour at most."

"No problem, bring a change of clothes I know how much you don't like wearing dresses to parties."

"Thank you!" I turn to leave.

"Oh and Rose." He calls.

"Yes?" I turn around.

"You've gotten much better at persuading."

"I know this."

"So is it safe to assume you've gotten better at dancing too?" I roll my eyes, of course he would be thinking about that.

"Guess you'll just have to find out." As I walk away I hear him laughing.


"I hate dress shopping. Why am I here?" Stella whines for the 100th time in the last hour. Maya is over looking at the floor length dresses, why I don't know it's just homecoming, the shorter the better. At least that's what the theme always seems to be.

"Stella shut up." I said. I was getting real tired of her complaining, I didn't want to be here either, but I had gotten rid of most of my dance worthy dresses because I hadn't planned on going to any this year.

"Wow. Someone's grumpy." Damn right I'm grumpy. I hated dances. Very very much, and why you may ask. Sean. The last time I went to a dance was sophomore year. Sean made it a very unpleasant experience.

"Stella be nice. You didn't have to come." Maya said coming back over to us with a long purple dress in her arms.

"No." Stella says to Maya, she sighs and puts the purple dress back on the rack. "You know I did. I have a date. And for that I apparently need a new dress because the one from last years clubbing spree we did doesn't fit anymore." Stella hughed out.

"How come it doesn't fit?"

"My boobs got bigger."

"Well then. In that case you would need a new dress."

"Exactly. Kinda sad though I really liked that dress."

"I'd tell you to give it to me, but we both know it would be too short for my liking."

"What about you Rose? You want my slutty dress?" After saying this both of them laughed.

"Shut up guys." I said picking a sparkly black bodycon dress. "We all know I don't wear dresses to clubs or parties."

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