It Doesn't Work That Way Chapter 2

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I woke up in a panic sitting bolt upright. I was covered in sweat and the sheets were drenched as well. The nightmares were back. Well they weren't nightmares per say but the feeling you had after you woke up was the same. The feeling of dread and nausea. Stella was right, I was stupid something bad was going to happen at that party but I didn't think I had it in me to cancel on Mike. I got up walking into my bathroom and taking a shower. I got out and went through the motions of getting ready for school. As soon as I was dressed I walked down the hall to the kitchen; my room was the only bedroom on the ground floor the rest are on the second.

"CLARK!!! Get your butt out of bed and get ready! We are not going to be late today." I yelled up the stairs at my brother.

"I'm up!!! Don't worry we won't be late! Although it is Thursday we could just skip..." He yelled back.

"Don't think so freshmeat. It's your first day of high school with all the grade levels, can't wait to shove you in a locker!"

"I'd like to see you try." He said walking into the kitchen. I handed him two pieces of toast on a paper towel. "Thanks. Hand me the butter." I opened the fridge and gave him the butter.

"So you have everything you need? Anything I need to sign?" Since our parents were never around the school was willing to accept my signature on Clark's papers because I was already 18. So I was his legal guardian for the rest of the year, possibly longer since I couldn't leave him here alone, going off to college next year was out of the question.

"Nope but I'll probably have something for you to sign tonight."

"That is likely to happen. Am I picking you up from practice tonight?"

"Nah, I think Carter's gonna give me a ride. Anyway wouldn't it be out of your way going home after school then coming back to pick me up?"

"Nope I'm doing track now."

"Since when? You don't run."

"Yes I do. I run on the treadmill every night, you are just always in your room or out with friends so you don't know it."


"Yep I also go out running every other morning at 5."

"You get up at 5? What is wrong with you?"

"You're so funny. Now let's go." I said following him out the front door locking it. He turned on the radio as I pulled out of the driveway. He started to sing along to some rap song that came on. "NO! change it now."

"No I like this song."

"Well I don't and I'm the driver and what I say goes."

"Ugh fine but only because that last time we fought about this in the car you kicked me out of the car and made me walk."

"Ha that was funny!"

"No it wasn't! It was raining and you left me alone!"

"No I didn't I drove behind you the entire way. You just didn't notice, which by the way is sad and a bit scary."

"You drove behind me?"

"Of course I did. I wasn't going to just leave you there. If something had happened to you I would have felt awful."

"Love you too." He said smiling.

"Alright well have fun, I probably won't see you during school. Don't get shoved in any lockers, no fights, drugs, etc. if you get lost or in trouble text me I'll come and get you. And please be nice to your teachers. Some of them I have as well."

"Thank you. See you at home." He said getting out of my car, hiking his backpack higher onto his shoulder and started walking towards the school.

I turned the keys in the ignition cutting the engine off. I got out of the car and made my way into school towards my first period History class.

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