It Doesn't Work That Way Chapter 6

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The weekend went by uneventfully. Just me moping around trying to figure out what to do since I couldn't call Stella or Maya. I couldn't call Amy either since she had been grounded for something or other. So I was stuck at home. Alone. Clark was at a friends house, again. He barely spends any time here. He's always over at a friends house, I should say no but if he doesn't want to be here who am I to make him stay. I called Mike on Saturday when I woke up, he didn't answer or call back.

Monday the bane of my existence. I dreaded this Monday more than any other in my far anyway. And I was right to dread it. As soon as I walked into school the whispers and stares started. I hated this. Freshman year I was invisible and that summer Sean ruined me. I haven't truly trusted a guy since it happened. Sure I've dated, but it never went anywhere. I was cautious and sometimes paranoid. I always dated outside of school though so they had no chance of ever meeting Sean.

I realize how stupid that all is, and how much control he could have over me if he wanted to. I want him out. I want him out of my life, but he always seemed to come right back into it. I tried cutting him out. That did nothing he was in every single one of my classes except 3rd period sophomore year. I hated it. I hated him. For what he did to me, for how I feel about him. I hate myself for thinking he could still change, for thinking he would change for me. I'm disgusted at how much I want him. I know he'll never change that I'm never going to be the girl. But for some unknown reason I still believe he can and will change for me.

He would always make comments about things that happened when we were together, but no one had any idea what he was talking about. It hurt to hear him say those things, but I learned to ignore it, to ignore him. For awhile at least.

So here I was walking to my locker through what seemed like the entire population of Rosemont High. Everyone staring and whispering. If I had wanted to know what they were saying I could have, but I didn't care or at least that's what I told myself. I didn't want to know what they were saying about me. I didn't want to hear the hurtful things I knew were being said.

When I reached my locker against my better judgment I let my guard slip just for a moment and I started listening. What I heard was worse than I thought it would be.

'She's such a slut' 'Can't she leave one guy for the rest of us?' 'I bet she slept with Sean' 'Guess she's not such a good little girl after all'

Then there was a voice that cut through the rest. "She's such a bitch! I bet she slept with him and he walked out, I mean what else could 'I regret saying yes to you' mean. I guess she's not the goody two shoes everyone thought she was." This was said by Haley AKA Queen Bitch. I turned around to face her as she saw me she stopped. "Well if it isn't the bitch herself." Haley said smirking placing her perfectly manicured hands on her hips.

"Takes one to know one." I said turning back around and walking away. I could hear her stomp her stiletto clad foot and walk off in the opposite direction, I smiled to myself. She had no idea what to do when someone insulted her and walked away not bothering to let her think of a comeback. I started thinking maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I just had to get through one day at a time. I could do that. My victory was short lived however.

"Rose! Wait up!" I stopped dead in my tracks. It couldn't be. He shouldn't be talking to me. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I misheard the voice. Maybe it wasn't him. I slowly turned on my heel. I wasn't wrong, I hadn't misheard anything, it was Sean. Even when I told him off in front of practically the whole school I couldn't get rid of him. My luck really sucks! I wasn't ready for this, I didn't want to face him. Not yet, I wasn't ready. "Rose, can we talk?" He said reaching the spot where I was frozen.

"Sure." I answered my voice coming out more even than I thought it would. He grabbed my right elbow and pulled me into an empty classroom and shut the door, effectively cutting off the rest of the student population. He let go of my arm and sat on top of one of the desks. I stood by the door frozen again, wondering if I should run to the door and if he would try to stop me. My thoughts of escape were interrupted.

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