Chapter 18- School

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I had totally forgotten about it. It was Tuesday and yesterday had been the first day of school since our thanksgiving holiday. All day yesterday, I had been at home moping around, cleaning things that were out of place and pointlessly calling my brother who was shipped off to college in a large city that I hadn't been told of.

It just now occurred to me, that I had school. If it weren't for the genes in my blood that caused me to wake up at the crack of dawn, I would still be asleep and not aware of my admissive mistake.

I charged out of bed and zipped into the shower, shampoo spilling and aluminum shaving cream bottles being scooped off of the suction cupped caddy with my uncontrollable limbs. "Fuck." I hissed, giving up and screwing the knob to turn off the water. My fingers blindly traced the inside of the cabinet for a towel, and I quickly plucked one out and sandwiched it around my shivering body. Soap slid down my icy skin, not given the thought to be rinsed off.

I nonchalantly jogged back to bedroom and found a worn pair of jeans on my floor, carelessly plucking them up and pulling them over my sticky legs. Distressed, I fiddled through my closet and found a green and purple tie-dyed crew neck with cuffed sleeves, shoving it over my wet head and shaking my hair like a soaked puppy.

With the time racing at an abnormal pace, I brushed my teeth and braided my hair to the side, clipping my bangs back and applying a reasonable amount of makeup, then knotted my black vans around my sock clad toes.

A frothy brew of coffee was in a patterned portable mug and my backpack was slung over my shoulder. I bid goodbye to my fairly cleaned condo, then raced down the stairwell considering the jabbing of elevator buttons and the smooth house music spewing from the upward speakers seemed to tick me off at any given moment.

Finally in my car, I slouched over and sighed, seeing first period didn't start until a good 20 minutes. The gears in my car reversed and I pulled out of the lot submissively and jaunted towards the awaiting building of juniors and seniors. Clouds scattered the sky, and a light drizzle pelted my windshield, causing my vision to blur and immediately the windshield wipers spurred to life.

I turned on the radio.

"Seems that winter is arriving earlier than intended because today we will indeed receive a scatter of sleet and iced down roads."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I hope school isn't out today due to the bleak weather, but my thoughts were cut shortly as I noticed the usual blur of kids filing into the entrance of Clarkson P. Dubs High.

My eyes screwed shut in annoyance as Philipe, an aggravating Junior with crazy thoughts, neared me wearing a stimulating grin that only I could tell what meant.

"Stephanie. Let me help with your bags." He insisted, an outstretched hand awaiting the passing over of my backpack and cross body clutch. "Philipe." I argued, rolling my eyes and attempting to steer past him.

"I insist." He droned, arching an eyebrow. I huffed and gave him my bags, following him into the school. "Ok, I can take it from here." I quipped, nearing my math class. "Are you sure?" he sighed, untangling them from his shoulder. "Positive." I hissed, grabbing them myself and tugging them from his grip.

"Why weren't you here yesterday?" He asked, and I batted my eyelashes. His tongue was out as he awaited my dreaded answer. "Sick." I easily lied, the words rolling off my tongue in a rush.

"Better now?" He laughed, his cheeks flushing a painful hue of red. "All better." I sardonically cheered, clasping my hand over my jaw in annoyance. I had one minute until my Calculus class had begun. "Well, see you at lunch." He slurred, his mousy brown hair and hazel eyes being the last thing I saw before heading into the class room.

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