Chap. 1 "Wha I like Foo?"

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Hey, It's me, the author. So like the first two chapters suuucccckkkk, but plzz keep reading! I promise you my style has improved so much more. I wrote the first chapter way before I wrote the rest of the story. So yeahhhh, It's alot better now. I'm too lazy to come back and edit this! K bye enjoy!


   'Beep, beep, beep...' I groaned reaching across the bed to hit the snooze. I wanted to fall back asleep under my warm purple blanket but I had to get up. It was the first day of school. Great. I guess i should stop whining. It wouldn't be so bad if my best friend hadn't moved away. McKenzie had to go to Washington since her mom got a job offer up there. She calls every now and then but it's not the same. After she left I sorta kept to myself. Everyone at my school was either stupid, annoyingly smart, or a druggie. But, of course, after this year I will be on my way to Ireland. I swear if If I wasn't black I would assimilate into their culture pefectly. Anyway I climbed out of bed an made a beeline to the bathroom before my annoying brother could reach it. I took a long shower and then dried my caramel brown hair. I usually wore it in a ponytail since my hair is so hard to tame.

I slipped out my front door with a half-eaten muffin in my hand. Spending all that time in the shower I was almost late. Luckily I sat in the back row just as the bell rang. I had Ms. Howell for first period, English. She was a petite older woman with short curly hair framing her round face and rosy cheeks.

"Hello, I am Ms. Howell! How are we all doing this morning?" She asked excitedly. All she got was a few 'fines' from half the class.

"I can see not everyone is awake this morning, but do not fret we won't being doing much the first day. in this class you will learn about...." Her voice faltered as the door to the classroom creaked open. I looked up to see who it was and met a pair of amazing blue eyes framed by curly lashes. Was he looking at me? No, What the hell Macie? You don't even know his name!

"Uhm, I'm Niall Horan, the new student." Okay, now i know his name and I know he has a Irish accent, something that I found myself instantly attracted to.

"Oh, yes Mr. Horan! Why don't you have a seat in front of Macie?" She points at me. Dammit. "Now About the class.."  I tuned out the rest of her lecture to focus on the adorable guy walking up to me. He gave me a little wave but being the idiot I am I just stare. God, I hope wasn't drooling. His clothes and hair were ruffled and wild as if he had been running. He had bright blonde hair, dark at the roots but almost white at the top. He was very pale, but that only made his eyes stand out more. It suited him well.

Soon, i heard the school bell ring. I began to gather up my stuff and walk out the door but I bumped into something hard. Niall.

"Oops, I am so sorry." He apologized quickly.

"Oh no, it was my fault i should've been paying attention."

"Well. I wasn't  either!" he exclaimed, "So its both our faults." I sighed. Guess I could be okay with that.

"What's your next class?" He asked.

"Uhm..." I checked my schedule,  "Science with Mr. Dwight."

"Me too! Mind if i walk with you?" Yes,  I'll probably scare you off.

"No. Not at all." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Ok then." We walked through the crowded hall and made polite conversation. We had most of our classes together besides our electives and History. He was taking Choir while I had Art.

"What teacher do you have for History?" I asked.

"Mr. Stinch."

"Ouch. My brother had him last year. They called him Mr.Stench. I'd recommend sitting in the back of the class."

"Thanks for the advice," he chuckled as he pulled the door open to class.

"No problem." He sat in front of me during all of my classes that morning. In Math, He kept making funny faces and I sat there giggling like a child. Of course, Mr. Franklin was upset about that. As we sat down for lunch later on Niall began to imitate the grumpy man.

"Macie no laughing in class. I'll make you write an essay on why laughter is annoying. No breathing either!" He pretended to scold in a gruff voice.

"Niall, stop making me laugh while I'm trying to eat!"

"Fine," he pouted shoving a fistful of fries down his throat. "Wha i like Foo?" He said his mouth still full.

"Ewwww, Niall don't talk with food in your mouth! No one wants to see that."

"Like this," he opened his mouth wider.

"Stop, ew, no, grooossss." I said while trying to contain my laughter and failing. Then I hear it. The click-clack of her slutty heels walking over to our table. Azaria. She tried to bully me after McKenzie left but I wuoldn't put up with that. We all used to be friends. Seeing her place her perfectly manicured hands on Niall made me wince.

"Hey sugar, Why don't you hang out at our table instead of sitting with this loser?" I wondered too. I mean why had Niall chosen to sit with me?

"Sorry, i don't hang out with fake bitches like you." he said bluntly.

"Your loss,"she scoffed and walked away. Damn she was dramatic.

"How the heck did you know she was a snot!?" I asked fairly loud.

"Lucky guess. She walks like she's got a stick up her arse." I practically snorted the milk I was drinking.

"Niall, you can't say things like that while i'm drinking!" We went to throw away our trash as the bell rang. "Well See you tomorrow!"

"Definitly!" He waved goodbye and left since we had no more classes together.

I spent the rest of the day dreaming about Niall Horan and I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. Maybe Senior year wouldn't be so bad after all. At least. I hoped so.

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