Chap. 21 "Did you just say psketti?"

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"Anyone can be passionate but it takes real lovers to be silly."

                                                                   - ROSE FRANKIN


Macie's POV

"And that is, uhm, that is why...." I kept trying to finish my speech about Philautus Amboli, some nasty species of frog, but Niall continued to make goofy faces at me, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. I tried everything to contain my giggles but eventually I just stood up there laughing as I talked about how frogs breeded (Bred? Who cares?) 

"Thank you very much for that presentation, Ms. Williams," Mr. Dwight said. "Oh and Niall?" I watched as Niall snapped up from his slouched position.

"Yes sir."

"You have detention after school." He said sternly. "I suggest you keep your comedic acts to a minimum in this class."

        I sat down in my seat next to Niall and poked him in the side. He smirked at me and poked me back. Of course that started a poking war and earned us another reprimand from Mr. Dwight. After that Niall quieted down and paid attention to the presentations. I slipped my hand into his pocket, earning myself a cheeky smile. Honestly, my hand was just cold in this damn science room. I don't understand why school treat their students like popsicles, believing they'll melt if they turn any sort of heat on. It was October for goodness sakes. Granted, in Arizona, it wasn't freezing outside but that was no reason to make students extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, do you want to go out to dinner tonight?" Niall asked, as the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sure. Where should we go?" I asked gathering my books, so we could start walking to our next class.

"I don't know. Why don't you pick this time?"

"Okay, uhm. I'll tell you if I think of anything at lunch." He nodded his head and we went our separate paths.

        Unfortunately, Niall had to change his schedule because he was taking a language class now. We only shared our first two classes. I was okay with it though because, hey, I live with the kid. I spend plenty of time with him as it is. My next hour, Calculus, will obviously be boring as always. We were stuck learning about the anti-derivatives of a function AKA shit I'm never going to use in life. Lately I've been thinking alot about my future actually. I wanted to go to the University of Ireland to study acting and stage performance but I don't think I want to do that anymore. I love acting and being another individual altogether but I want my life to mean more than that. I want to make a difference. That's why I'm switching my major to nursing. Mainly for adult hospitals rather than pediatric ones since I despise children. Although I wouldn't mind having Niall's babies.

        I sat through the rest of my class ignoring Mr. Liestner lectures (once again) and focusing on where Niall and I should go out to dinner. We've been going to some cheaper places and eating lots of takeout so I was hoping we could go somewhere a little fancier now. Don't get me wrong, I love me some chicken nuggets and french fries but MacDonalds isn't really date material. We hadn't gone out and had fun together since Disneyland a few weeks ago and I'm starting to feel like we're just friends. Well, friends with some benefits such as having hot make-out sessions on his couch. Tee Hee. Anyways, I was thinking we could go to Olive Garden since it's not too expensive yet still charming. 

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