Chap. 2 and 3 "Cheesy Jokes!"

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Authors note: This story is for my BFF Macie! I just wanted to let everyone know that this is probably gonna suck and not update to often im just posting this for her and my friends but feel free to read/comment! K byyyyyyeee!

(I have now combined chapters two and three because they were just too short)


            The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Weird. Usually my mom was off to work by now and i'd have to fend fro myself. She worked for a computer software company. To me it sounded pretty boring but she loved it so what the hey! (yes I actually said that). I dressed up a little more today. I guess you could say I was trying to impress Niall.... You'd be right. I hopped down the stair to see my mom sitting at the table with a plate for me set up.

"What's all this for?" I ask suspiciously.

"I can't just be nice to my daughter for once?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Okay, You're right," She handed me an envelope,"This arrived for you."

"You opened my mail?" I asked trying to read what the letter said.

"Just read it."

"Dear Macie Williams, Congratulations! You have been accepted into the University of Ireland!" I practically screamed the last part.

"I told you so!" She laughed. "And you thought you'd never get in?"

"This is awesome!" I continued reading the letter, "Unfortunately you do not qualify for the Scholarship Program. If this interferes with your application please contact us immediately." My smile quickly falters. "Mom, We can't afford this!"

"Yes, we can." I look at her, confused. We definitely don't have enough money.


"You aren't the only one celebrating! My boss gave me a promotion. You're looking at the new Financial Manager!" I hugged her tightly and we jumped up and down.

"Thank you soooo much Mom." I beamed. I was majoring in acting and Performance. I love two thing acting and travel so combining them is awesome. Plus, I like food, but that isn't exactly an education. Although I could tell you a few things about how to make the best Ramen. Add some eggs and Tabasco and God Damn its good.

"You're welcome! Now hurry up and get to school! You're gonna be late."

"Alright! Bye." I hollered as I ran out the door.


              I was late to first hour by a few minutes but I managed to sneak into my seat giving Niall a little wave. I turned to the girl next to me and asked if I had missed much.

"No. You're lucky she hasn't taken attendance yet. Poor old women can't find her darn glasses." She said in a very odd accent. Did everyone around here have an accent nowadays?

"Oh Thanks! I'm Macie."

"I'm Jenna. I just moved here from Georgia but I grew up in New York."  That explained the accent.

"Cool. I'm pretty boring. I've lived here my whole life. i cannot wait till this year is over so I can travel."

"Me too! I just love European countries. They seem so interesting. Wanna hear a joke?"


"What do say to someone from Barcelona if you walk in on them in the bathroom?"


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