Chap. 22 "Can we just go to the stupid dance?"

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(A/N: So I decided to try something little different from this chapter. Rather than his and hers POV I'm going to get a new perspective. Hopefully it'll make this more interesting. Btw MAJOR THINGS COMING SOON!!!!!! so watch closely for some shady hints haha.)


Louis POV

        I couldn't handle this. I should just leave. Why am I staring? I am such a freaking idiot. I can't handle being in the same class as this prick that had ridiculed me just a week ago. Tonight was the Halloween dance which I was attending with Macie, Niall, Jenna, and that guy Jenna talked about Jack. Macie begged me to go and I only agreed after she said I didn't' have to go to the after-party. I wasn't a huge party person and I'd just be a loner there without a date since Shawn wasn't out of the closet yet obviously. But that was no reason for him to ignore me like I was some annoying fly that he could just smack away whenever it got near him. I thought he would at least try to apologize or something but, no. He refused to even look my way. I know because I can't stop looking at him. It's not my fault he was so hot with his curly blonde hair and shining blue eyes. To be honest, he looked like a more laid-back Niall. 

        I watched him stand up and start packing things into his bag, bringing me out of my thoughts and into reality. A reality where the bell was ringing. I was prepared to leave the building, and head straight home. I wasn't in the mood to hang out with anyone really, but my plans were foiled as I was stopped by the boy I couldn't keep by eyes off. Shawn.

"We need to talk," He practically demanded.

"Fine." I simply said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Somewhere else?" He asked nervously, glancing at the students around him as if he'd get in trouble talking to me.

"Do you want to walk home with me?" I asked. I would give him a ride but my car had trouble starting this morning, forcing me to run to school.

"Sure." He agreed and we began our journey out of the school. We walked for a few minutes in silence waiting for the other person to start a conversation. Luckily it wasn't me.

"Why do you always stare at me?" He said without looking up from the sidewalk.

"Because I like you." I told him without hesitation. "I thought you knew that when I asked you out."

"I'm sorry," He said quietly. "I thought my friends wouldn't like me if they knew I was gay. At my old school anyone who came out got bullied. It was bad."

"Oh," I grimaced at the thought of this poor boy being picked on. He was a scrawny kid, I'm not going to lie. "I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't. Anyway after I did that to you, they kind of told me I was an idiot and they wouldn't talk to me."

"Well, you weren't exactly the nicest." I mumbled with a sour expression.

"Louis, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, and despite what I said I do like you."

"Well, You know I like you so why don't we start this over." I held my hand out to him. "I'm Louis, and I'm openly gay."

"I'm Shawn, and I'm not out of the closet...yet." 

"Would you like to go to the Halloween dance with me? As a friend?" 

"Sounds nice," I smiled as we reached my front door. The walk feels so much quicker when you're talking with someone.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you tonight."

"Can't wait." He said before quickly walking off towards his home a few blocks away. 

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