Chap. 10 "I love this whole kissing thing but..."

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      "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile as the words play over and over again in my mind. He asked me last night while the sky above us seemed like it was set on fire. Of course I said yes and we ended up making out for over an hour and falling asleep in his bed. Now I was staring as his angel-like face as he slept. The lighter the room became the more urgent my need to go to the bathroom became. I attempted to unwrap his strong arms from my waist, but it was useless. Luckily, Niall began to wake up.

"Good morning," He sighed as he pulled me in closer.

"Good morning to you, too." I said as I tried to get up.

"No stay. I want to cuddle."

"Sorry, Lucky. You have awful morning breath at the moment and I am in desperate need of a bathroom." I felt bad for calling him out on his breath but I wasn't a morning person. At all.

"Fine. Come down to the kitchen when you are ready." He gave me a quick peck, but then pulled me down again to kiss me longer with those rosy lips of his.

"Niall, I love this whole kissing thing but I really have to pee." I winced at my about-to-explode bladder.

"Okay, okay, go." As I ran out of the room I see him drop back onto the fluffy cotton sheets.


 After I did my business and fixed my make-up and hair (How could he stand it before?), I made my way to the kitchen. I hopped up onto the cold marble counter in my navy blue shorties. My thighs felt chilly but the rest of my body was warm inside Niall's black hoodie. Seconds later Niall appears with a minty-fresh smile. He kisses my fore head before bending down towards my special places.

"Uhm. Niall, What are you doing?" I slide backwards.

"Getting a pan for the cabinet below you. What were you thinking?" He winked at me.

"You cheeky bastard!" I playfully hit his shoulder.

"I wouldn't be mean to a person making you breakfast." He laughed.

"Awe," Someone behind me cooed. "You're making her breakfast!" I turn around to see Jenna and Jadin, their hands intertwined.

"Where were you guys last night?" Jenna asks.

"We went to watch fireworks," Niall said.

"That's cute, but this morning we came to find both of you in the same bed." She grinned and raised an eyebrow, expecting a story.

"Jenna!" I yelled. "Nothing happened. Why is everyone I'm friends with so perverted?" They all laughed. "Oh shut up Jenna. Where did you guys go last night? Weren't you supposed to come back at eleven?"

"I was you guys were gone so Jadin and I had to climb the fence. We slept in the backyard, on a hammock. YOu're lucky we didn't freeze to death."

"Whatever, It's Arizona." Niall said handing me a plate of eggs. "It was like 80 degrees out." This ended the useless bickering.

"Thanks for breakfast, Niall." I smiled sweetly.

"No problem, babe." I looked up from my delicious food feeling tingles in my stomach. That was the first time he called me babe and It was so hot.

"Did he just call you babe?" Jenna's jaw seemed to reach the floor.

"Bye-guys-I-will-be-right-back. Jenna-come-with-me." The words flew out of my mouth as I dragged her through the door to Niall's room.


 "Care to explain?" She whisper-yelled.

"So, Niall may have asked me to be his girlfriend last night."

"Wow...What happened to the 'I'm waiting till I get to know him' phase."

"Oh, that is long gone." We dissolved into giggles."What about you? How'd it go with Jadin?"

"Oh,Well-" She was interrupted by a loud crash in the kitchen, followed by a horrendous scream. We ran into to find my brother and his physco girlfriend screaming at Niall.

"WHY IS HE HERE?!" She screamed. "I HATE HIM!"

"What the hell is going on?" I yell over her. My brother stares at me in shock.

"Macie, I thought you were at Jennas?" I look down nervously.

"She was." Jenna appears at my side. "Jadin and I brought her here to Nialls." At the mention of his name he looks up from his curled position on the floor.

"Annie. I am so sorry." He has tears streaming down his face.

"Niall, Don't apologize to her. She's been nothing but a bitch since I've met her."

"I don't think you understand Macie." She scoffs at me. "I dated your little excuse for a boyfriend."

"Why are you even here?" I turn to my brother.

"I came to pick up Jadin. He texted me that his car is out of gas." Jadin held his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea anyone here had history with another." I sighed.

"Annie, T.J. Just leave. We can figure this out at a more reasonable hour. For pity's sake's, it is seven in the morning." I held my head in my hands.

"Macie, I'm going to leave to so you and Niall can talk." I fell Jenna pat my back.

"Thanks. Now everybody out. My BOYFRIEND and I are going to have a conversation." Once everybody had walked out the front door I turned to my broken leprechaun.

"Niall, Are you okay?" I ran my hand through his hair and helped to his feet.

"No...I....need to ... throw up." He stated shakily. I grabbed a metal bowl from the cabinet and placed beneath his chin. I held my breath as he let loose the rancid in his stomach.

"I'm sorry." He said wiping his mouth on the dishcloth I handed him.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was." He dropped his head and walked into the living room. I came in behind him to see him lying face-down on the couch.

"C'mon Lucky. Tell me what's wrong." He held up his blond head and before bursting into tears he whipered:

"I killed her boyfriend."


A/N: OMG HO-LEE FUK I Know I Know mean cliffhanger.. MHAHAHAHA I AM EVIL Comment Vote And LOVE!

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