Chap. 6 "I win!"

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       "Damnit!" I yell, jumping out of bed. I was going to be late to class if I didn't hurry. I yank on a pair of jeans and throw a blouse over my head. God, I messed up. I wanted to look nice today. It will be the first time seeing Niall after our date and I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if that kiss meant nothing? I fly out the door and pray I find time for food. I can't function without food. 

       I sit down in my desk just as the bell rings. My lung are gasping for air but I don't want to be loud so I try and slow down my heart beat. It doesn't help when Niall turns around and smiles at me.

"Hey Macie, What's up?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Not...Much.. you?" I manage to stutter.

"Same. Almost late again?"

"Yeah."I begin to breathe normally.

"I had a great time this weekend." He grins, flashing his pearly whites.

"I did, too. Maybe we can do it again some time?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I hope so." He winks and turns back to the teacher, who is droning on about pathos and ethos. I pat myself on the back for not being a total awkward goof. Even if the beginning was rough.

       Niall and I walk down the hallway together again. We pass by a group of jocks and cheerleaders who laugh at us, quite openly. I get pissed and glare at them.

"Don't worry about them," I hear Niall whisper in my ear. He puts his arm around my shoulder and we continue to Trigonometry. I must have been smiling like an idiot, cause he lightly chuckles most of the way. 

"What are you laughing at?" I pretend to pout.

"You." I smack him in the arm. "Ouch." He rubs his arm but he's still smiling.

"C'mon jerk. It's time for math." He groans, but i eventually drag him through the door. God this boy acts like a toddler sometimes. But it's really freaking adorable.


       "Lunchtime!" I yell as the fourth hour bell rings. "Finally, I've been starving all day."

"Same here." Niall and Jenna say in unison. They were both in my last class.

"Did he ask you out yet?" Jenna whispers to me.

"No. But he said he is willing to go out again sometime."

"Omg you asked him? Since when has this Macie come about?"

"Shut up." She cackles as she sits down next to me with her food tray.

"Where did you get that cookie?" Niall asks me, drooling over the sweetness i have in my hand.

"I bought the last one." I give a smug look. We've realized that the two of us both have a extreme love for food.

"Can we split it?" He gives me a puppy dog look.

"Nope. Sorry, you're cute, but not THAT cute."

"Well then. I'll just have to steal it!" He grabs the cookie out of my hand and runs off to the basketball courts.

"We'll see about that!" I scream chasing after him. After dodging many angry basketball players, I finally catch up to the little leprechaun. I grab his shirt knocking him over into the patch of grass in front of him. Since I was moving too fast, i tripped over him. I quickly hopped onto his chest, grabbing MY cookie out of his hands. I took a large bit, and with a smile said, "I win!"

    After that I realized we probably looked very strange, me straddling him, next to the game going on beside us. I rolled off of him lying in the grass.

"I've never seen someone fight so hard for a cookie." He says quietly.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about making you fall, and tackling you." I apologized quickly.

"It's fine. You were amazing." I smile up at him and we stand up dusting the dirt of our clothes.

"Did you get some dirt in your crotch? Don't worry, I'm sure a whore like you won't waste time paying someone to clean it." I hear a nasally voice from behind me. I turn around and, of course, Azaria is standing there with her bitch squad behind her.

"What did you say to her?" NIall stands in front of me.

"Oh look, it's you Niall." She blows a kissy face at him. "You were wonderful in bed last night." He looks at me with wide eyes.

"That didn't happen. I swear."

"It's okay Niall. I know it didn't happen. You were texting me remember."

"Oh yeah."He smiles and turns back to the pissed-off drama queen. "Hey, Azaria?"

"Yeah babe." She smiles.

"Go to back to where you came from."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She shines.

"That's my polite way of saying, Go to Hell." I laugh so hard i can no longer breathe. Azaria looks like steam is coming out of her ears. Her face even turns red. She stamps her foot and stalks off. The bitch-squad follows trying to contain their giggles. Once they all leave Niall faces me.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking concerned.

"I'm fine." Those were tears of laughter. That was the funniest thing i've ever seen."

"She looked like a tomato about to explode."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"You know we should probably go find Jenna. We did sort of leave her alone at a lunch table."

"Oh shit, She's gonna be pissed."

"I think she'll understand. She seems like a good friend."

"She is but I think i need to be a better friend."

"Well you are doing a great job with me."

"I just tackled you for a cookie and had you protect me from a dragon."

"Isn't that what guys do for their princesses?" He smiles.


(A/N: I think this is my longest chapter so far??? WHOOHOOO! Hope you like the cuteness!

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