Chap. 20 "Your bf has turned into Rudolph"

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Macie's POV

       That's it. I'm done. I'm going to kill everyone in this stupid English classroom. Niall and I got back to his house very, very late last night since we decided to spend our last day in Cali, "trying to surf". I still blame Niall for distracting me with his toned abdominals. How am I supposed to stand up on the damn thing when he's making my knees go weak? Anyway back to killing people. The overly obnoxious students won't shut up and keep raising their voices at each other as i cram my head farther into my arms, that are folded over my desk, trying to block out the noise.

       I stayed up till one in the morning on that stupid road trip and then had to get up for school at six in the morning. When Macie doesn't get her sleep, Macie gets angry. Like the Hulk. She tramples villages, she starts mobs of confused civilians, she... wait why am I talking in the third person? Whatever, I'm cool like that. Niall rubs his hand in circles over my back trying to calm me down. He knew I was in a pissy mood when I woke up and pushed him over the side of the bed. To be honest, I really didn't meant to do that, but I think it worked out nicely. He made me breakfast, without burning anything I might add. I've found out since living with him that even though he's a big food-lover, he can't cook worth a damn,

"Macie, just tune them out." Niall said, practically begging me to cheer up. "You can borrow my headphones if you want."

"No, It's fine," I sighed. "Sorry. I'm being a bitch."

"It's okay. You actually look kind of cute when you're angry." I smiled at him but then grimaced as some bubbly girl screeched.

"Well, I'm about to get really flipping adorable." He just laughed and the teacher walked into the classroom, gratefully, quieting everyone.

"Sorry I'm late class. I stopped for coffee and being my clumsy self, spilled it all over my shirt." I glanced down at her coffee-stained clothing.  "But anyways, your warm-up today is to write about the person in your life that matters the most to you. Write a paragraph about your favorite moment with them."

         I dragged out my journal and glanced at Niall for a second before I began writing. No doubt he was the most important person in my life since my family has basically disowned me. I started to write about him asking me to be his girlfriend but I realized that wasn't even close to my favorite time spent with him. Our best memory, in my opinion, was when I tackled him for a cookie. One, I got to be on top of him (Tee Hee). Two, he told off Azaria afterwards. And three, the most important reason, that was a majorly delicious cookie. I giggled to myself as I wrote out the story in the ten minutes our teacher provided us with.

        When I was finished I stopped t look over at Niall again. He was covering his writing with his arm but i could see a few words written on the page. The thing that really caught my eye was the word "mom". I smiled, glad he still counted her as the most important person in his life even though she had passed away. I wanted to ask what the memory was but i didn't need to, because at that moment the teacher asked if a few of us would share our stories and Niall's hand flew straight up. I had to admit I was surprised that Niall would so easily tell the class about a memory involving his mom.

"Alright, Niall, why don't you stand up and tell us your story?" He got and walked to the front of the classroom.

:"My mom passed away when I was younger but she still means the world to me and It was so hard to choose what to write about because we had so many great times together." He took a deep breath as some of the girls in my class awe'd. To be honest, i was doing the same thing, but at least i kept it in my head. 

"My all-time favourite memories with my mom were when we went to the ice cream parlor. She'd take me there after all my football games. Soccer to you Americans." The class chuckled at the Irish boy. "We'd have a different flavor every time, but we always sat at the same booth, next to the big picture window. We'd play a game where every time we saw a yellow car, we'd yell "Banana" as loud as we could, and then duck in our seat so we wouldn't get yelled at by the employees. I can still remember the last flavor she bought. Mango Mints."

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