Chap. 8 "Nice Doodles"

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       I sat on the couch, uncomfortably, and listened to Annie explain how she met my brother. Of course It was at a Frat party.

"...and he was so sweet. I couldn't help but give him my number. He called me the very next morning."

"Well, you got my interest." T.J. smiled. I could tell he liked her but it didn't seem like a stable relationship.

"Have you ever done drugs?" I blurted out.

"Macie!" My brother yelled. "You can't ask someone that!"

"Why? Is it true?" I looked at Annie who was cowering in her seat.

"Yes, I was addicted to heroin, but I did go to rehab."

"How long have you been clean?" My mother asks, looking concerned.

"Four months now." My brother smiled at her like he was proud. I mentally puked as she kissed him on the cheek.

"That's nice. T.J. could I speak to you in the other room?"

"Sure mom. i'll be right back, Annie." He called before shutting the door. I quickly stood up.

"I have some homework to finish."

"I know what you're doing!" She narrowed her eyes at me. "You do't want your brother to date me, so you're trying to make his mom hate me."

"No, I'm not. It was just a question.

"Whatever. He loves me so forget about it."

"Okay listen here. You can't just walk into his life and screw everything up. He is trying to get an education and if you mess with that my mom will hate you. So just pretend you are a perfect child and keep my brother on the right track and we will be fine." I try to negotiate for T.J.'s sake.

"It's a deal."


       We sit back down on the couch and pretend to be all sweet to each other when my brother comes back. He has a huge smile on his face but my mom looks uneasy. I can tell what went on back there. He convinced my mom to give her a chance. Since I figure she'll leave after a month anyway i'm fine with that. The only thing I am having trouble with is the fact that she will be spending the entire weekend at my house. Great.


      I walked into class the next day eager to see my friends and tell them about my recent encounter. I was hoping I could stay over at Jenna's for the weekend and avoid my brother's obnoxious girlfriend. I sit in my usual seat behind Niall and tap him on the shoulder.

"What's up, Lucky?"


"Yeah, you know, the little leprechaun from Lucky Charms." He rolls his eyes.

"Very original"

"I thought so." He just shakes his head and chuckles, flashing his perfect teeth.

"So How about this weekend?" He asks me.

"What about this weekend?"

"Well you sent me a text asking if you could stay over."

"Oh my gosh, sorry, that was for Jenna." I smack my hand over my forehead.

"Well you could come over to my house if you want. I have a whole bunch of movies and food."

"Your parents wouldn't mind a girl staying over."

"Uhm, I live by myself." He looked at the ground nervously.

"Oh.. Is it okay if i ask where your parents are?" I bite my lip hoping he tells me.

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