Stoll's Guide To Pranks

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Conner and Travis here. We want to teach you our techniques when it comes to the art of pranks.

Rule 1) Don't get caught. EVER.

If you do end up getting caught, just don't make sure it was by the person you pranked. Because before you were caught, the only thing they could pin on you was the fact that you love pranks. They can't say you were there. But if they see you, or say, your idiot brother who just HAD to stop and talk to his girlfriend while we were making our get away; then you might be stuck mucking out the pegasus stables for the next two months.

Rule 2) Hide all evidence!

Never leave something behind that can be traced back to you. Even one small hair out of place will give you away. Make sure to wipe anything and everything that might lead the evidence back to you. After a while, you might find yourself surprisingly good at cleaning, hide that too. If people find out you're good at cleaning they will NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE!

Rule 3) Always pick a victim worthy of the prank.

As Olivander said "The prank chooses the victim, Mr. Potter."

That is exactly what he said. EXACTLY.

When selecting a victim, got through the scenario of what would happen if they got pranked? Would they not care, and ruin all the fun for you? Would they get mad and chuck an Encyclopedia at your head?

All important reasons to pick your target carefully.

Rule 4) Never bring a rookie when you're trying to do a big time prank.

One time we brought a rookie to help with one of our big pranks. As soon as we had set it off and heard the screams of digust from our victim, we immediately knew to take off running.

We looked back and saw our Rookie, let's call him Frank, stretching!

He got caught and when questiones about why he was there, he totally gave us up!

I still remember the feeling of Nico's boney little fist in my face.

And finally, the most important rule of all...

Rule 5) Never, never ever, EVER, say your pranks are better than Hermes'.

One time, Leo helped us set up a prank and it went off beautifully. It was glorious. As soon as we were in a safe place and finally stopped laughing, Leo said, and we think it was just in the heat of the moment, he said "Try pranking that well Hermes!"

For the next 4 days, he was being pranked non-stop. There was no place he could step into and nowhere he could move with a whoopie cushion under his foot, or a banana creme pie being thrown at his face. Every mourning he would wake up to find some drawn/sprayed on this face/hair. It was funny, yet slightly painful to watch.

We think after the fourth day Hermes just got bored, but Leo didn't know that. He was constantly paranoid, and didn't trust anything or anyone. That was a major prank all on it's own.

So these are our top 5 rules for pranking. Hope this keeps you out/in trouble. Beat this Annabeth.

A/N I know this is incredibly late and I'm sorry, but I had a few cases of writers block, and I was working a lot on other things. And every night I had to face the treacherous beast named 8th Grade Geometry Homework!

Just pretend that this was updated a day after the last post. And remember, the next post will be/supposed to be taking place the same day as this.

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