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zayn and liam find each other around free period and head outside to have a smoke before class began again. zayn takes out a cig before lighting it and taking the first puff then handing it over to liam whilst he leant up against the brick wall on the side of the school. the sun wasn't out at this time, though it wasn't cold nor was it hot either.

this was sort of a routine for them. two days out of the week zayn spent his free period with liam, while the other three was spent with harry. yes, they had to make this kind of compromise since two out of the three didn't get along. zayn had to find a way to spend time with both his boyfriend and best friend so this is what he came up with. it worked for the three of them so they kept it up.

they both pass the cigarette between the two of them in silence. zayn sighed, taking the cigarette and holding in between his fingers, exhaling some of the smoke and looking at liam. "i know you wanna say something." he says to liam. liam grins and tilts his head.

"you know me too well," he starts, but them his face turns serious and zayn frowns at the sudden change and lowers the cig in his hand, "i know i ask you this a lot but seriously, what do you see in him?"

zayn groans, handing the cigarette back to liam after taking a long drag off of it and shoving his hands in his pocket. liam asks him that at least five times a week, and zayn always gives him the same answer. he doesn't know why liam cares so much about his relationship. he understands his friend is concerned for him but he really wishes he wouldn't pry so much into his relationship. it was his problem to deal with, not anyone else's.

he wanted to be with harry, why couldn't anyone see that? it's not like he was being forced to stay in this relationship, if he wanted to leave he'd be gone by now but he doesn't. he loves harry, always has always will. people think just because they have rough times that it should end, but when you truly care about someone, you fight for it and that's what zayn does. why can't people just accept that?

"liam we've been over this."

"i know and this time i want a real answer. don't give me that same bull shit answer "he's just different"." liam says, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"but he is different liam," zayn starts. liam narrows his eyes in annoyance and motions for him to continue. zayn groans wishing he would just drop it, but he sighs and continues. "just, ever since the day we met, i knew we would have something special. i saw something in him that i never saw in anyone else. he has a very interesting personality, and his smile is to die for, and he's just so pretty liam. he's like the most beautiful boy i've laid eyes on, and his laugh is so contagious. fuck, don't even get started on his eyes- they're so gorgeous. he's just so amazing, despite everything and i just-" liam cuts him off with a groan.

"okay okay i get it, you're in love."

zayn glares, "you obviously don't get it liam since you're the main one who's always telling me to break things off."

"i'm just looking out for you. you guys are like fucking worse than sammy and ronnie from jersey shore." liam states. zayn shoots liam a look before taking one hand out of his pocket and snatching the almost gone cigarette from liam taking a drag.

"not true, no one can be worse than them."

liam shrugs, "yeah well, you guys are getting there."

zayn throws down the cigarette stepping on it to put it out. "liam, i didn't come out here to have you tell me about my relationship. we come out here to hang out, if you don't want to hang out then please be my guest and fuck off." zayn says getting highly irritated with him by now. liam puts his hands up in defense.

"okay mate damn, i'm sorry."

"good. now let's get to class since you wasted all our free time bugging the hell out of me." zayn says, pushing himself off the wall and walking around liam just inside the school. liam sighs, and trails behind him.


"i just ugh- i hate him." harry grits out to his best friend louis who is rolling his eyes. harry was still mad about what happened this morning, and on top of that today was liam's day to spend free period with zayn which irritated the fuck out of him. zayn was his boyfriend, why should he have to share him? not that he was selfish or anything but he hated that he had to share zayn with liam as if it were some type of polygamy relationship. zayn was his not liam's.

"yeah i know, it shows in your face every time you see him h." louis replies, as he shakes his head his eyes glued to his phone as he texts away. harry was sitting next to him on one of the benches in the courtyard with his arms crossed and a grumpy scowl on his face. to anybody watching him he looked like an angry kitten, and he couldn't scare anybody with that look. but he was just extremely annoyed. why did zayn have to be friends with a dickhead?

"i just don't get why he doesn't like me. i did nothing to him!" harry exclaims. louis sighs, locking his phone and turns to finally look at harry.

"maybe you did and you just didn't notice it." louis shrugs.

"trust me i'd know if i upset someone in some way." harry says, running his hand through his hair excessively. louis purses his lips humming slightly, then a smirks passes cross his face as a thought pops into mind. he nudges harry wiggling his eyebrows. harry raises an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"maybe he secretly likes zayn and is pissed because you got to have him?" louis says, watching harry's face go from agitated, to confused to mortified, then angry.

"no fucking way."

"way. just think about it. he dislikes you without a valid reason, he's always stealing zayn's time from you, he's pretty upset about you guy's relationship, and let's not forget how close those two are." louis suggests. he wasn't only saying this to see harry's priceless reaction but now that he really thought about it, he was starting to question it himself. harry's hands clench at the fabric of his jeans as it hits him.

"this can't be.." harry whispers out. louis shrugs and leans back against the bench, with a smug look.

"ha, they're probably making out right now. who knows." louis takes his phone back out as it vibrates. harry's eyes widen and his minds starts to race. he doesn't know whether to be angry or terrified at that thought. he quickly grabs his bag and stands up, walking away.

"hey, where you going h?!" louis calls out to him.

"to make sure this sneaky bitch keeps his hands off something that's not his!" harry says as he leaves the courtyard in a hurry. louis chuckles.

welp, he just started something that might end in another argument between the couple.


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