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upon arriving back at harry's house, zayn sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. he knew as soon as the door opened harry was gonna go back to screaming at him for walking out, which gave zayn a headache just thinking about it. harry's voice got higher whenever they argued and his voice was like a high pitch shrill, that made zayn's ears ring. maybe he was exaggerating but damn was his voice annoying when he yelled.

but it was either now or never, and zayn wanted this to be done. the sooner they made up, the better, he didn't want to drag this fight out more than it needed to be. so to get this over with, he let out a breath and knocked on the door, tapping his foot as he waited for he angered boyfriend to open it. and it was a good thing his parents weren't home, because they wouldn't tolerate their constant yelling, as did zayn's parents.

their parents didn't like it. didn't like how they were fighting every second of the day, screaming at each other, and the hateful words. but of course they will take their son's sides. harry's parents blamed zayn for the problem and zayn's parents said harry was the problem. but who here really is the problem?

moments later the door slung open to reveal harry. his face wasn't as flushed as it was before he left and he looked at bit calmer, but still, zayn could tell he was angry. and he didn't even get to speak before harry opened his mouth first, and like zayn thought, he started to yell.

"where the fuck did you run off to? and why weren't you answering my calls or texts huh you fucking prick. don't ever walk away from me when i'm talking to you!" harry yells, glaring at zayn. "why do have to be such an asshole huh? when i call you, you pick up, when i text you, you reply. don't fucking ignore me you bastard! i hate being ignored!" harry yells, pushing at zayn's chest, his voice seeming to get higher and higher. zayn stuffed his hands in his pockets, continuing to listen to harry yell whatever it is he wanted until he finally shut up. "why are you just standing there? say something." harry growled in annoyance.

"are you done yelling?" zayn asked calmly, refraining the urge to roll his eyes. oh so god help him, if he so much as to roll his eyes during harry's little bitch fits, it will be the beginning of world war 3. harry stares at zayn, seeing how calm he is with a clenched jaw. harry bites his lip and huffs slowly nodding. just like a toddler who finally stopped throwing a tantrum. zayn mentally sighed in relief and slips his hands from his pockets before pushing harry inside the house and slamming the door locking it behind. he grabs harry by the neck, not too tight making sure he didn't cut off his air and pushes him against the back of the door.

harry gasped at the sudden action, and places his hands on top of the one zayn has around his neck and looks into zayn's eyes. "listen to me and listen good. don't you ever assume that i'm showing interest in anyone else but you. you do this every time you see me even come close to anyone you see as a threat and i'm sick of it. sick of you not trusting me enough to know that i would never and i mean never, cheat on you or even think of leaving you for another. i know everything between us isn't fucking perfect like a fairy tale but that doesn't mean i'm gonna give up on you.. on us. i love you harry. more than anything and know it. i don't know why you fucking do this." zayn sighs at the end, tightening his grip on harry's neck as he leans forward places his forehead against harry's and closes his eyes.

"i-i'm just scared." harry whimpers softly after a few moments of silence. squeezing his eyes shut and biting down on his bottom lip. zayn frowns, taking his hand away from harry's neck and replacing them on his chin.

"scared of what?"

"of losing you." zayn lifts his head slightly looking at harry's closed eyes, beckoning him to open them so that their eyes could meet. harry obliged and opened his eyes, looking directly into zayn's honey ones.


harry sucks in a shaky breath trying to hold back his tears, but zayn knew they were gonna make an appearance soon. harry was never good at holding in his emotions. if he was pissed, he would make it known, if he was sad he'd cry, if he were happy he'd cheer. zayn was more better at hiding how he was feeling than anyone. it's what makes his so mysterious and yet interesting because you were always wondering what was going on in that head of his.

"b-because i'm a whiny little bitch, and i know i get highly annoying at times, and i'm pushy and just fucking stupid...but i can't help it sometimes, a-and i know you will get tired of me one of these days. and you will leave me." harry sniffles, a tear making its way down his cheek. and once one fell, it caused a chain reaction making more drain from his eyes. zayn shakes his head, grabbing both harry's now wet cheeks in his hand.

"babe, let me tell you something. i'm sorry if i called you anything that made you feel bad, you are none of those things. i just say it out of anger, we both do and i know that. but you know that's not true. you are the smartest little boy i know-" zayn wipes away his tears, smiling slightly at harry's pout when he called him a little boy, "and you're not a bitch, no matter what anyone says, even me. don't listen to me, i'm the idiot. and i'm sorry for being an asshole and walking away." zayn says softly, wiping at harry's cheeks and eyes.

"i'm sorry for calling you names too zee, i didn't mean any of it i promise.. i was just mad and jealous and i say stuff without thinking-" zayn pecks his lips.

"i know babe. i love you."

"i love you too." harry replies without hesitation. zayn takes his hands away from harry's face placing them flat on the wall next to either side of his head.

"we good?"

"good." harry smiles weakly. zayn leans down to peck his lips again, letting them linger before whispering.

"make up sex?"

"zeeee." harry whines, pushing zayn away and glaring.

zayn laughs, "i'm just kidding. cuddles?"

"make up sex, then cuddles?" harry asked.

"race you to the bed!" zayn shouts before getting a head start and taking off.

"hey!" harry giggles, running after zayn.


sorry, no smut lol , but that will come later.

pls comment, tell me what you think about them?

love you x

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