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zayn was leaned against the huge tree that was standing tall in the middle of the down town park. he had a a cigarette in between his lips and his fists were stuffed in his pockets, clenching tightly. he had just gotten into yet another argument with his boyfriend of two years. been going strong since sophomore year of high school. now they are seniors, about to graduate this year.

problem with them was, they were like that couple who were on a hell of a roller coaster ride. they were always arguing, then the next minute it's like nothing happened and they are in love again. their friends found the relationship weird and some even unhealthy. but they loved each other and that wasn't a lie. zayn couldn't live without his sunshine, and harry couldn't live without his night in shiny armor.

although they screamed hateful things at each other all the time, it was always in the heat of the moment and not out of actual hate. how could they hate each other? they loved each other so much, and even made plans for their future together, all that cliche sappy stuff high school sweethearts usually do. some work out, others don't, but they were certain they'd work out, despite the constant arguing.

some people would say their relationship was some what of a domestic violence, but it wasn't. the arguments never got physical, maybe a little push here or their. but they didn't harm each other at all, not yet anyway, but who says that won't happen?

zayn had stormed out of harry's house, slamming the door so hard it could've broke, but good thing it didn't. he came straight to the park to cool down, but he kept receiving various texts messages from his very pissed off boyfriend. he groans, looking down as he takes out his phone to read over the string of spam messages being sent.

from harry:

get your sorry ass back here!

from harry:

you can't fucking run away from your problems.

from harry:

where tf are you, don't make me hunt your stupid ass down -_-

from harry:

i know you're reading my messages fucking answer prick.

zayn rolls his eyes at the texts, used to hearing his boyfriend call him names. he does the same so it didn't really matter to him. he pulls up the keyboard and sends harry a text back.

to harry:

stfu all you do is bitch .

then he puts his phone back in his pocket, ignoring it as it starts to vibrate constantly in his pocket. he sat down on the ground, leaning against the tree and finished off his cigarette before putting it out. then he sighs running a hand through his hair. he looks around the park, seeing children on the playground, running around and screaming. parents watching from afar.

happy looking couples, jogging through the park and playing with their dogs. he wishes he and harry could be like that. they were of course, but not as much because sometimes they are just too busy biting one another's head off to have any fun. he loves harry, he really does, but he wishes they weren't always fighting and calling each other names. but then again, all couples fight sometimes right? they weren't the only ones. it's just how some relationships work. fight, make up and move on.

a few more minutes alone at the park, thinking. he stands to his feet and starts to walk along the side wall of the park. he was debating on whether he should go back to harry's house and get it over and done with so they could make up again, or just go to his friend's house and let it boil over and not deal with it. he decided on the ladder and walked straight to his best friend liam's house, banging on the door.

soon the door swings open to reveal an irritated liam. "what the fuck, did you have to bang on the damn door?" he asks, glaring at his friend. zayn rolls his eyes and pushing past liam, letting himself in.

"not in the mood." zayn mumbles. liam sighs rolling his eyes and closing the door, and following his friend into the lounge.

"problems with the bae again?" liam asks, sitting next to zayn on the sofa.

"don't call him my bae."

"holy shit, did you two finally break up?" liam asked, surprised. liam and zayn have been friends since they were kids. they knew everything there was to know about one another, and they always told each other everything. liam knew about zayn's relationship with harry. how they claimed to be so madly in love, yet their actions were completely different. and being zayn's best friend, liam didn't like it. he didn't think this relationship was healthy and he didn't think zayn was truly happy with harry no matter how much he claimed he was.

to make it more clear, liam hated harry. he disliked him so much. and he didn't like the way harry made zayn feel all the time. frustrated, angry, and confused. liam seriously wished zayn would break up with that annoying bitch as he would call him. and zayn knew how much liam hated his boyfriend, but it didn't matter to him. he knew what he felt for harry no matter what liam had said.

"no we didn't break up, i'm just- i needed a break from him."

liam scoffs, "you should've."

"liam, i know you don't like him, but i'm not just gonna break up with him because of one fight." zayn sighs.

"one fight? seriously? you two literally fight every hour." liam groans annoyingly. zayn shakes his head.

"stop exaggerating, we aren't that bad."

"sure." liam says sarcastically. zayn sighs again, running a hand through his hair to think a bit. he knew liam was right. they argued at least three times a day, if not four or five. he groans internally, wanting to bang his head against something. he hated that about their relationship, but they could never compete with how he felt about harry . harry was his world and he didn't want to end it. he just wanted to work things out until it got better.

"i need to go talk to him."

liam perks up, "to break up?"

zayn glares, "no stupid, to make up."

liam huffs, "oh, of course." zayn chuckles and pats liam's leg before standing up.

"liam you will understand my struggle once you fall in love with someone."

"i'm sure when i do i won't have he or she bitching at me every five minutes." zayn shakes his head, walking towards the door.

"whatever, see you later." he mumbles, before leaving liam's house.


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:D im so excited to write this!

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