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zayn did exactly what he said he would. right when the weekend hit, he planned a nice date just for him and harry. an early movie, because he knows how much harry loves the movies. he's practically caught up on any new movie that came out that he found interesting. and of course afterwards a nice dinner, because who doesn't like food?

the day started off pretty slow and was spent mostly just texting one another. the movie they were seeing did not start until around three. harry was seriously still slightly torturing zayn by giving him somewhat the cold shoulder. zayn just had to deal with it. he knew harry was still slightly upset, but he was going to spend time with him today and make him feel better hopefully. he still felt really bad about what was said and done, but he couldn't change it now.

zayn hadn't even talked to liam since yesterday, still pissed at him. liam had been trying to contact him but zayn wasn't having it, not now at least. they've been best friends forever but sometimes liam made zayn question their friendship, ever since he got with harry. it's just never been the same, too much drama. zayn wishes the two of them could just get along and get rid of any beef between them, but obviously that's not happening anytime soon.

finally the time came for them to head to the movies. zayn went out to his car and headed to harry's place to pick him up. once he got there he went to the door, knocking. harry's mother answered the door and immediately she grimaced seeing zayn. harry's parents weren't fond of him as zayn's parents weren't fond of harry. they were used to this by now. zayn groans. "here for harry." he mumbles.

"i know and by the look on your face and harry's behavior i'd say you're here to apologize for whatever you did to him." harry's mum says bluntly. zayn clenches his jaw. okay yeah, he fucked up and upset harry, but for fuck sake he had the brain to come apologize and take harry out on a date to patch things up between them. his mum had no idea so she really shouldn't stick her nose in their relationship so much, despite harry being her son.

"your mother's instinct is always on point," zayn replies sarcastically with a fake smile, "tell harry i'm waiting for him." he says before walking off to his car. he hears the door slam behind him and rolls his eyes. women, he thinks. a few minutes later harry is finally walking out the front door towards the car and zayn pushes himself up from leaning on it. he opens his arms for harry. harry hugs him briefly, making zayn frown.

"baby, you're being so cold." zayn says.

"me being cold would be me ignoring you and not giving you a chance to fix things." harry replies, crossing his arms sassily. zayn sighs, but he doesn't want the date to be with harry acting so indifferent the whole time. so instead of letting it be, he grabs harry by his waist pulling him closer, surprising him. "zayn, what are you-"

before he could finish, his lips are molded against zayn's. zayn's slightly rough lips move against harry's and harry doesn't want to but can't help but to kiss him back. once zayn pulls away he cups both his hands over harry's cheeks. "look baby, i know you're still a tad upset about what was said and done, but i honestly want you to know that i am really sorry about everything. i want nothing more but to make it up to you and make you happy again, but i can't do that if you're going to act this way. i love you so much, and i just want you to enjoy the day with me and let me make it up to you, no drama, just you and i, right?" zayn says.

harry's demeanor lightens up a bit and he lets out a small breath, leaning into zayn's touch. "okay." he replies softly. he himself wanted to make up with zayn, even if he were still a bit hurt, he knows deep down zayn was truly sorry and that he'd never intentionally hurt harry.

"okay. i love you baby." zayn kisses harry again, moving forward so that he can open the door for harry to get into the passenger seat. once he closes the door, he goes over to get in on his side. zayn quickly puts on his seat belt, which he doesn't usually do but harry of course makes him, before he turns on the ignition. he smiles, "i promise you'll appreciate it."

and as zayn said, harry did appreciate it. first zayn took harry shopping at the mall, something harry absolutely loved to do. they hadn't gone shopping together in a while so it was definitely fun for him. with all the money he'd saved up, zayn bought harry whatever he liked and after running through many stores they headed into the food court for frozen yogurt.

afterwards, they went to the movies another thing harry liked, because it was quiet and he loved watching movies with zayn. they ended up seeing the new 'it' movie so it wasn't quiet at all because most of the people, including harry were screaming at all of the jump scares and laughing loudly at the comedic preteen boys in the movie. it was definitely a movie worth seeing even though it made harry fear clowns more than he already had. but zayn promised to protect him so he had nothing to fear.

as the day started to end, they drove around town and talked endlessly about any and everything. harry felt so much better spending such quality time with zayn. they were always fighting so much they rarely had times like this where there was no drama or arguing involved. harry wished it was always like this. of course all couples argue or have disagreements every now and then, but theirs were too frequent and harry as well as zayn hated it.

they loved one another just as much as the next couple did, why did it seem so hard to show sometimes? this was the things they throbbed to have. just a care free day with just the two of them, smiling and laughter and just small talk shared between the two. they wished they were better than they were, but no matter what, they loved each other and that's all that mattered anyway. no one should be telling them how their relationship should be. they were just harry and zayn, zayn and harry. as long as they were together, they were happy.

they found themselves sitting on the back of zayn's car in a secluded area, snuggling on a soft blanket as they watched the sun set. harry had a faint smile plastered over his face as his head rested on zayn's chest, zayn's arm around his waist and his hand rested on his tummy. harry listened to zayn's steady heartbeat and felt the way his head moved slightly up and down with zayn's breathing. he loved moments like these, he craved more of it. harry turns his body around to face zayn, and zayn looks down at him.

"thank you zaynie, i had fun today." harry says. zayn smiles, rubbing harry's hip softly.

"i did too baby." zayn says softly. a few seconds later harry speaks again.

"i forgive you. i mean, i already forgave you but now i officially forgive you." harry giggles. zayn laughs lightly and kisses harry's forehead.

"good. i love you harry." zayn says.

harry grins, "i love you zayn."

and if they made out until the sun went down and the moon came out, well nobody had to know.


dedicated to Sex_Fiend

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